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WIP: Jawa Model

Midgit Yoda

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Alright guys, I've had quite a few emails asking me to make a Jawa Model. I believe it or not almost have the whole body modeled. I have a couple of screens just mainly to post here to see if you guys aprove. These screens are pretty early but I feel like they're pretty good. I've been working for many many hours on this today. I still have to add hands, feet (just black, Generic ones), and a belt. Of course it needs texturing and skinning.








Keep in mind these shots need tweaking (he'll look less thin when he is scaled down with TCK Scaling Mod).

EDIT: Stupid me, A friend of mine (Ansible) told me that those spheres like that would bump my Poly count. It did. Fixed it tho. The old screens have been replaced with the new ones.

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Yo Midget Yoda,


I made a Jawa skin for the ugnaught a while ago (gave up coz the ears could net be turned off) but I made a full set of sounds for him. If your interested in them for when your model is finished I think they work rather well

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Al, I would love to have the sounds and stuff. I also really need someone for the skinning. I have not clue how to do that (since I haven't learned yet). I need to add legs, feet, hands, and a belt still. Also I'm going to make they eyes more flat.

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Originally posted by Midgit Yoda

I have the actual model ready to be UVMapped. But I don't know how.


Well I'm no expert but I believe this program for 3dsmax takes a lot of the work out of it for you but you still need some knowledge to understand it.


Remeber there's that huge tutorial on UVmapping in Gmax on

jk2models.cjb.net but it's a huge download.

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I'd make everything a little rounder, the tip of the hood should be a little less pointy, the hood opening should be elliptical and low on the head and such. Also, add some folds to the sleeves and torso (see the Plo Koon Model). As for the face, just make it a flat plane, and apply a shader to it afterwards to make the darkness and the eye glow effect. They also seem to have the same utility belt X thing going on, with a bunch of pouches from the top right shoulder to bottom left waist, and 3 different pouches hanging the other way -- so i advise making them deselectable surfaces. and as for the legs, your model seems to taper out a lot >> )(

perhaps you should go for a more vertical hanging look, so its not so much like a wine glass.


just some things to consider while youre still in the modelling phase.

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A great effort overall, but like the other guy said I think it has too much of a bell-bottom effect. Cloth doesn't naturally hang like that. If you are able to take another look at them in the film you may notice that their robes are semi loose, but they don't hang quite that low onto the ground. On some of them you can even see their feet.

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I'll work on fixin it. I intentionally didn't put belts that form an X on it b/c of the fact that I want to get a version of this done for my upcoming Lan Party hehe. Later I will add that stuff. I will fix the sleeves and the bell at the bottom (I made it so wide b/c of the fact that it would drag the ground but I will say it does make him look like he's wearing a dress.

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