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Cairin Bay - Drop into the elevator but I die??

D@rth M@ul

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Okay first and fore most, I would like to say Jk2 is a hard game.

I mean really, I have never experienced anything like it, it rivals

the unplayablity of Zelda : majora's mask.


Anyway, my problem is, after I get in through the vent and jump

on elevator number 1, then it goes up a story or two and i jump

on the greenish ledge. Then i go the other elevator and wait

till it gets to that window and i jump out that into the other

elevator, number 3. and It doesnt move but there is a ledge

at the same level as it so I go to that.


HERE is were its making me mad. The walkthroughs I've read

to help this problem say "drop into the broken elevator to complete

the level"


Well every time I drop onto the elevator from any height and

anywhere on the elevator, it kills me. I think its electrocution but

I'm not sure. Also i let the elevator get above me and I dropped

all the way down and it let me clip through the door at the

bottem but it put me in a room with a nother door that wouldnt



Please help

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I know your problem. It's because you are moving to slowly. Becasue you are moving slowly, the elevator is just crushing you as you move slowly to the elevator. Your other problem: You have low health and are jumping too far down. Wait till the elevator is at least a body lenth down untill you drop down 'casue a long drop will cost you over haft your health (50 HP!):mad: I had this problem too (I'm on the lvl after the one you are on), just try healing before droping down; cause I think that is your problem.


Another suggestion: use speed to try to jump on the the elevator more quickly. Also roll out of your jump.


Good luck (Yes I agree, JK 2 is a very hard game. The first lvl took me almost 2 weeks 'cause I didn't see that narrow gap in the room over looking the main array where you input the codes, so I never found the button you press to activate the array. :( )


-teutonicknight :saberb:



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