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How do i disable fall damadge & Jump higher (WAY HIGHER)


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i play this game a lot on lan with some mates of mine, our fav level is Nar Shadda Streets (oh how i love force gripping people and dropping them off the edge)


anyway its so cool knocking people onto lower platforms and then jumping down to finish them off, it just seems a bit anticlimactic when someone dies after falling to far (im talking about just avoiding the BIG drop and barely making it onto a thin catwalk after falling for ages only to die anyway)


basically i want to know how to turn off falling damadge


also if possible id love it if i could force jump REALLY high, like rediculously high, sorta like a force jump that just doesnt peak (provided you have force left)


i know none of this is realistic but it would make for a DAMN fun game, and besides... WERE JEDI'S :)

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well, this isnt disabling the damage you get when you hit the ground but if you tap your crouch key just before you hit the ground you should receive 0 damage. if your timing isnt great -like mine- you may want to repeatedly hit crouch, like loads and loads of times so you can be sure that you press it when you need to. if you press forwards at the same time you will perform a forwards role when you hit the ground.


remember - timing is key!

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Originally posted by Pedantic

Well, alrighty then. ;) I couldn't remember 'cause of all the stuff that's been coming out lately, enabling this and disabling that. Confusing... ;)


yeah it gets confusing at times, the best thing would be to go on ur own server and try out some moves

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mmm, ok il try that crouch thing...


i guess that there isnt any cammand line that i can put in is there?


either to disable fall damadge or decrease gravity, actually decreasing gravity would solve my jumping problem too!


anyone know how to do either of these things???

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