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I did not come here for this to be debated in commity


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Well as everyone can tell...we have no Senate nominations going on at this time.:( I can understand Leon is gone, but we all know who his nomination will be so all you other mods please get together and start the nominations.







as you can see, the natives are getting a bit restless, sir...:D

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Guest Boba Rhett

Be patient, I'm sure Leon will get it going pretty soon; And do you think we can give the large font a rest? :cool:



*giggles at Louis* ;)

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Rogue15

it'll be me of course, zero and aristotle said i had a good shot at being a mod here.


that was before your invas--- i mean, useless posting spree began. ;)


Anwyays, we probably should start pretty soon, but let's not rush this, we've got nothing but time. A 2 months to be exact.

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Guest Gamma732

If I remember correctly I think it was said that we'd get the elections done before October. If this is true, we have time, its only the beginning of Sept. So give them time, guys.


And are the mods allowed to nominate themselves?

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Guest Gamma732
Originally posted by Clefo

Well I'd nominate Kvan just to piss off Gamma and Thrawn :D.


And nobody should be able to nominate themselves, that would be stupid...


I agree with you in that being able to nominate yourself is stupid, as it would be a bit unfair.


But, I'm just going to clear this up for everyone: The whole evil thing with me, Thrawn, and Kvan was just a joke. We don't hate each other or anything, we were just joking around. I'll apologise if anyone was bothered/offended by it, and I'll leave it at that.


However, I'll accept that vote anyway, Rommel ;)

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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

*giggles* And I'll vote for Gamma or Thrawn, to piss of Kvan :D


Sounds like sound advice. :D I think whenever it's up will be fine. :)


BTW Fergie, how do you post so BIG?! :confused:

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Guest Tie Guy

I'm pretty sure that Leon said in his draft that the Mods will nominate the first Senators, and then the senators will nominate the next ones if there are any. Anyways, that prevents people from nominating for people who they like.

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Guest Gamma732

I think theres going to be some form of voting. It wouldn't really be a senate then without it would it? A senate is an institution of democrasy. Sure, no votes prevents favoritism, but it also prevents the people from having a say in who represents them. And isn't 1/2 the fun of it running for it and the elections? Even if I ran and lost, I'd still be having fun. (That doesn't mean you shouldn't vote for me ;) ) But anyway, I think I recall something being said about elections. And besides, where else would everyone be getting this election idea from then?


That Semi-Long Gamma Rant was brought to you, as always, by Hormel ;)

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

I'm pretty sure that Leon said in his draft that the Mods will nominate the first Senators, and then the senators will nominate the next ones if there are any. Anyways, that prevents people from voting for people who they like.


Tie Guy:rolleyes:


Okay here's how it goes...

Mods nominate the firstbatch of senator...NOMINATE!!! They don't PICK them. Once they are nominatied we vote on them to get into the Senate you MUST have 50 votes...(too much if you ask me)

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Tie Guy

I'm pretty sure that Leon said in his draft that the Mods will nominate the first Senators


Yeah...thats what i said. I never said that the Mods would put people into office, i just said that they would NOMINATE them.

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