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==>AWMP: Coruscant Skyscraper<==

Wes Marrakesh

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Heres what the q3a error messages page says about sv_setbrushmodel: NULL



The map has some brush ents which are only one unit thick (paper thin). I'm not sure what the minimum thickness is supposed to be, but it apparently needs to be thicker than one unit.


You may also get this error when you have a brush model entity which does not have any valid brushes, i.e. a func_rotating with nothing but a common/origin brush. This could also be caused by a func_areaportal with a common/areaportal brush.



Also did you compile with gtk? Theres no problem with compiling with gtk it's just that i'm sure i remember getting this or a similar error after compiling with it. I could be mistaken though:)


Just a couple of things for you to try out:)

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I compiled in JK2Radiant....

how much of my map is supposed to be detail becasue i keep getting errors in the log about areaportals not touching two areas even though they are in a doorway, is it becase the walls are detail?

alos, put areaportals inside my elevator holes...

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Originally posted by Wes Marrakesh

I compiled in JK2Radiant....

how much of my map is supposed to be detail becasue i keep getting errors in the log about areaportals not touching two areas even though they are in a doorway, is it becase the walls are detail?

alos, put areaportals inside my elevator holes...


Yes it's probebly because the walls are detail.


A good way to think of area portals is like this...


Imagine that the area portals emit a deadly fog, but the rooms that you're trying to put the deadly fog in must be air tight otherwise the fog will escape. Imagine things that are detail to be full of holes, so they dont stop the fog from escapeing. You have to make the room that you want to be area portled completely airtight so the fog wont escape.


So basically all you need to do is make the actual walls floors and ceilings structural to prevent the fog from escapeing.


One more thing worth mentioning is that glass does not block the fog either, so if your glass is going out into a huge skybox which has other rooms with glass, your fog is going to leak into all those other rooms if you know what i mean:)

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Iv'e never really tried it before so im not sure if it does actually work.


But think of it this way....


Imagine that the only areas of the level that are visible are the areas filled with deadly gas. So if the glass did block the gas anything behind the glass would not be visilble so you would get a kind of a void thing going on behind the window:D

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Ok...breath....*huff huff huff pant pant pant*

sorry about last post:D

I went back into my level, deleted the 3 new models and the 'force field(supposed to be that blue energy field in deathstar map)', compiled in FastVis1/2 and....


It worked! :joy:

although we have 2 new problems.

First, my trigger_hurt (with damage at -1) does NOT do the fadeout insta-kill. it just deals normal damage.

Second, i have to figure out which thing it was that provided the error.

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