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==>AWMP: Coruscant Skyscraper<==

Wes Marrakesh

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Well Wes, since I already let the cat out of the bag to the RCs, I guess we'll let these poor slobs know about BRAVO.


THe following is a direct quote (of myself) in the Rogue Commando Message Board:



I took a good hard look at the level Wes released for BETA testing, and, as I also map a bit, I talked with him quite a bit about how to do this and that and the other thing. Well, finally, ,after a small amount of wheedling and begging ( :) ) Wes allowed me to remake just one room in the level, ,as a demonstration of what I meant by a few comments.


His responce, when he saw it, was on the order of "WHOA! How did you do that!?"


Things got busy after that. Using his original blueprint, and under his careful and omni-present direction, I began a complete re-work of the level. This level is now, with a few small exceptions, complete.


For those who have played the orignal BETA release, ,I'll summarize the major changes.


Hanger Deck : Re-organized the positioning of the TIE Fighter Catwalk and gave the room more combat area. While the area itself is somewhat smaller that the original it IS capable of holding a quartet of TIE fighters and a tri of X-wings on station. The Elevator system was reworked, and now operates flawlessly.


2nd Deck : The six bunkrooms on this floor have been reduces to four. The remaining rooms were combined into a single room, and made into a kitchen/food prep area, complete with cafeteria-style serving bar. Added a line of columns down the center for architectural diversity. Added custom bunkroom crests to replace the old versions "Yavin Stone" symbols.


3rd deck : Reworked the arrangement of doors. The smaller room next to the conferancec room has been made into a Office Foyer, with a door leading into the COnferance room. The door from the conferance room directly to the hallway has been removed. Reworked the four bunkrooms on this level in the same manner as on Deck 2. THe exception to this is the one on the far end, , which has been converted into a single-man berth (Your Welcome, Sizzle!).


NEW! 4th Deck : A new addition to the level. It features a small hallway, with two sets of stairs leading up to 5th Deck and two doors leading to two seperate dueling arenas (for the settling of small deferances!). The first of these is filled to about waist level with water and has a few rocks. The otheris filled with floor-to-roof columns for lots of comabt thrills.


NEW! 5th Deck : Adds an armory (to get those weapons not found elsewhere on the level) and acts as an observation deck for the combat arenas below, allowing spectator sports and a convieniant way to handle RC Duel tourneys, should we choose to do so.


Plans included, at one time, a War Room and a roof-top landing platform and dualing area, but for the moment those are not to be included, simply because it's getting confusing drawing in more rooms stacked on top of each other. (That's a LOT of white lines!)


So, ,there you have it. Project BRAVO revealed. It has only to go through one final approval phase (to take place when Wes returns from his LOA) and then, it will be released to SIzzle for placement on the RCHQ Page.


Screenies, for those who wish a sneak-peak, will be posted on my Mapping Page, http://www.geocities.com/shadriss/index.html shortly, if not already done.



Hope that satisfies you people. Have a great day.

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