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So SAD: Well maybe just Surreal

Darth Eggplant

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Fish are not considered cute.

People do not like fish

unless to eat,

even then some still say,

that there is something Fishy to it.

Not many people carry photo's

of fish in their wallets

people do not buy or own;

Teddy Fishes.


If you eat fish

it makes you smart;

but if you do something stupid;

you are called a Fish.

Fish come in all shapes and sizes,

yet people have Goldfish as pets.

Mostly Money is considered cute,

adorable, desirable

it is Beautiful:


People do like Money

everyone carries Money

in their wallets,

and people buy Teddy Bears

with Money.

If you make Money

you are smart,

if you lose Money;

then you are a Fish again.


Money comes in all shapes

and sizes yet people prefer Gold.

There are lots of fish in the Sea,

Women are like fish.

There are lots of them in the Sea.

Or so I am told.

If you look around,

Money you'll see it a lot.


FISH are not the ROOT of all EVIL:


Fish are not always in abundance,

not to everyone anyways.

Money is not always in abundance,

not to everyone anyways.

Money should be more Fish-like.

Money should not be considered cute,

or Beautiful.

Few people should carry Money

in their wallets,

and people should

use it to buy Teddy Fish.

If you make Too much Money;

you should be called a Fish.

If you lose Money,

why then your smart.



Lets have fish

in all shapes and sizes,

let fish be cute.

Pikes, Mackerels, Carp;

let people have fish

in their wallets

or at least pictures of them.

People with fish are smart,

people without fish are;


Fish in abundance,

fish more important than Money.

Women as abundant as fish,

yet do not pay them with Money,

or Treat them as Fish.

Fish are not

the root of all evil;

Money is.


Place Money at the bottom

of the ocean,

the Atlantic ocean;

so that it is all Wet.

Let those who live for Money

worship it; grow gills,

become fish at the bottom

of the ocean.

Let's have fish

come up on the land

let Goldfish have people as pets,

but let us not eat people though;

People and Chips would make you Dumb.

People in your system

would make you a Fish.


However Keep Goldfish off

the stock market lest fish

become the new root of all evil.


let us think about them;

or at least Dolphins.

Dolphins are not fish,

but they are cute.


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Maria lives in the Land

of Green Mice

with Dragons and Castles

made from Strawberry Ice.


She welcomes you to the

Land of Mice

where everyone is Happy

and everyone is Nice.


In the Land of Maria's

Green Mice,

everyone is Dirty

and covered with Lice.


Maria lives in the Land

of Green Mice

cooking for them daily

Psychedelic Mushrooms and Rice.


Maria goes to bed

in the Land of Green Mice

she sleeps in the Daytime

and Parties all Night.


Deep in the Land

of Green Mice

Cocaine is Free

and no one drinks

Scotch without ice.


Maria Died

in the Land of Green Mice

of Overdose and Burn out,

and Orgies with


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Forsooth the Dragon said,

remembering morrows past

when life with Siblings

was all swim and play

in pools of harmony;

Grieve I little for their Deaths

devouring them insured my survival.

When spread my youthful wings

I soared on high,

devouring all the lovely maidens

but I am settled down now

looking forward to my gold hoard:

With that the Dragon smiled

and making a wish

blew on the candles of his cake.

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You can stop and see

the Relevant Me

wearing my Piano Key Scarf.

I can not even play Chopsticks;

Gail can testify to that.

She can play the piano,

I can not read a note

or play a cord on any instrument

yet I will go wild at the consoles

of an Electric Guitar,

driving them Insane.

With Pencil in hand

I loved to produce Bent Wires

or Epic wastes of Celluloid;

thick and thin wires

that in Reality were Fuses

but at least not Shoes:

right Vivian.

So now I am eating Clay or Wax;

I find Myself Relevant.

Things appear Relevant,

Relatively speaking of course;

it is all just Theory

My Pen and My Life,

a Dream

Art is Fantasy;

Art is Relevant

to Itself and Everything else.

Everything else is Fantasy;

Relatively speaking of course.

You can stop and Be Relevant

you can Relate to Me

Relate to your Relatives

Relevant, Relating, Relatives:


things that start with "S"

like my Piano Key Scarf.

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Red Ozone

slip into my bones

cut me deep; gouge

take Humanity away.

Arm the man

wearing tin pan hats,

put away their rifles,

let them have spray cans instead.

The silent hiss;

envelope; boil

and blister my skin

Ozone Battles

hail forsooth,

the Day to Pay for Life.

We already purchase Oxygen

trade Water for Green Life,

so come Ozone come

Bloody Ozone

thin and cut me like a knife.

First to go will be

Polyester Man

next is Plastic Tammy

with her flowery spray can

of Perfume Deodorant;

then the Ghetto Poet

with his Graffiti Art,

supplied by the man.


Ships of Power

soaring through the air

crop dusting the Ozone

with greatest of care

ripping away the blue envelope

so that Demons beyond Mark 3

will Dance beneath

the crimson skies,

and Rule Blood Ozone Country.

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Strung out words,

Self Actualization



Dichotomies of movement

Frigid, Loose and Easy,

Goody Two-Shoes


judgement of Reality,





Hare Krishna

Definition of Class

Social Democrat

P.L.O Guerilla

Red Brigade

Hare Krishna;

life study of people

and their habits

behaviour, prejudices

the amount of Coke we drink

number of sugar cubes

in their coffee

how much meat they consume

how good they look

in Hare Krishna robes;

a Television program,

a Space launch,

a sale at J.C Penny

money and material goods,

the movie rights to:

Bob Dylan goes Hare Krishna


the Made up,

and the Monstrous

Relationships in Love

all the above,

and Everything


which involves Humans

in Society is,


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