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retarded bots


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i just moved and wonk have an internet connection for like 2 weeks (i use a computer at work and freinds computers for the net whenever i can, like now) and have been having to play with bots for my jedi fix. even on the hardest setting i slaughter them all like their a bunch of tuskin raiders that just killed my mom ;)

and was wondering if there was a file you can download to make them harder (like in empire earth)?

also whenever i play a game with a custom made map i got offline they just jump around the whole time not even trying to kill me. has this happend to anyone else, and if so do you know how to fix it?


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Just play some NPC's instead. They're WAY more fun then the stupid-backwards-walking-trash-talking (lol) l4mer-bots. And if they bounce around on custom maps it's cause the author didn't put a bot route in. But it's probably for the better on some of those maps lol.


The bot goes around a corner and dissapears for 10 mins haha.

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