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A message to whiners.


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People that whine about being killed by "A force Spammer," "Arse Fighters," "Lunge Monkies," and "Scripters" Please hear me out.


I have been playing Jedi Knight II for awhile now, and I am always hearing people calling other people being a cheap fighter for using the force to their advantage, such as lightning or grip, and not depending solely on his/her lightsaber. Let me step back for a second and quote A Guide to the Star Wars Universe


"Jedi Master- The most powerful Jedi Knights eventually evolve into Jedi Masters. Jedi Masters are teachers and miracle-workers of extreme power and ability. Jedi Masters have moved beyond the need for weapons such as lightsabers, preferring to depend solely on the Force to give them strengths."


(Now I do realize yes Yoda was a Jedi Master and he used a Lightsaber. But it says "Preferring," not "Only." Thus the definition can still apply)


If we go by this defintion, isn't the "Force Spammers," a true Jedi Master? There are ways to combat all force powers. Don't whine if you are defeated by a "Force Spammer", learn how to counter the move, then you will become the true Jedi Master.


Also I hear people calling other people cheap for using back stabs/sweeps. These moves are very strong moves (I think too strong), so of course people are going to use them. Here's a scenario: You are in a bar fight and you know you can knock out this dude with your right hand, would you use your weaker left hand to fight him. No you would use your right hand because the fight will be over in one hit. Same Idea applys to back stab/sweep. Don't get angry when you are defeated by this move, learn to counter it.


Things that are cheap is to attack someone with their saber down, or attack someone while they are talking. Don't do it that is wrong. How would you like someone to do that you? It want feel so good will it?


Don't whine when you lose to these people. Get better. A truely great fighter can break through all of these moves and win just about everytime. Even a scripter can be defeated by a nonscripter that has superior skills. I have seen it done. I am an ok fighter. I am not the best. Yes I have whined before but now I know that is not how you get better. Practice will make everyone better, and give more competition to the great fighters.


Remember it is just a game, and to have fun. Fun is purpose for all games.


This is just some food for thought. I am AbaJaBart (otherwise known as Jeremiah) saying Good Fight and Have a Nice Day :)

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I agree with u. I think backslab and slash is ok moves asspecially in CTF. But i really hate when all they do is sneak around in a crowd, pull u from the side, and backslash other repeatly, this is just abusing the move.


With the force thingy, by all means, there no "cheap" in using the force. But there are some occation That I would consider cheap that revole around dual servers. One, is when ppl fighting and just running away to heal, than come back only to repeat that move again, when he or she get hurt. There ppl waiting to dual too. and by doing that. The dual can last forever.


Also there where situation where both party agreed not use heal (so that the dualing won't be so long of a wait) but the cheaters, use heal anyways and trys to lie about it.


beside these sceno there are ppl that just come and attack u when u are messaging or when your saber is down.

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Well, about the force powers...


Of course people are allowed to use them - that's what they're there for right? I don't play force duels, but if I did, I'd expect people to take maximum advantage of the force. 'Nuff said.


About arse-fighters and backstabbers: A true master need not rely on supermoves to win the day. Look at how assassins are pictured: Nearly every assassin can use the sniperrifle and kill from afar with little risk to himself. A true master assassin can use the much weaker knife or wire to kill from up close. I think it's a demonstration of skill IMHO. You might be skilled and use backstab alot - but you aren't showing it to the spectators. Anyone can use BS and rack up kills.


That's just *my* opinion though - don't get all flamed up over it.


And I don't whine when losing to a backstabber btw.

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in force duels i will use the force, why else would i join a force server?


in nf dules i won't use the force (duh)


in CTF with force i'll be forced to use Pull + Backstab, it's the only way to actually kill somebody fast enough (other than another one hit kill move)


some game types are just based on getting kills as fast as possible, if you don't like it, don't play on the server


there, that's my opinion

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