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Lightsaber Hilts in Progress


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Remark- I am already in the process of making one of Mara Jade's sabers. Its not the one you pictured but here is the model pic




Right now im having some problems but you can read about them on my Thread called "UVWrapping" in this models forum.


Bogus- a Darkstar saber has already been made, with 2 sabers attached and only one saber. Youll just have to search the forums yourself to find them

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Daskers is right; I have noticed that on the Rahn saber, the blade doesn’t seem to be connected to the emitter. I don’t know how easy this is to fix, but other than that, it is an absolutely superb saber.




Another saber that I would really like to see is Mara Jade's MOTS saber, (the one seen in Saber Battle X)

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Good idea Quamocity :p


So do you really mean that your gonna make a Tutorial as your next project cause this community REALLY needs it;) Im sure if you did one, it would be more easier to understand than the ones already out there.

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Mara Jade’s Mysteries of the Sith Lightsaber


Reference Pictures:


This, in my opinion, is the most accurate picture of Mara’s MOTS lightsaber.



This is a rough sketch I made, due to the lack of reference pictures.



This is the current lightsaber pictured at www.thelightsaber.com, while the model is pretty accurate, in my opinion, the coloring is incorrect. Mara’s new saber should have a dull, non-reflective grey finish applied over the metal of the saber, with a grey padded grip, rather than the shiny metallic chrome effect pictured in the www.thelightsaber.com image.

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I have been meaning to move my material off of Havenofrags for a while, and I finally finished the task. I will not be making a lovely html format, but the current set up allows for decent file directory browsing.




the new address. Features my lightsabers, savegames and player skins (some mine, some others converted)


Needless to say, the other links (from Havenofrags) will no longer work shortly. Feel free to browse at the new location.


Main important links:







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I have a request for you. Its called the staft saber and its really neat its like fighting with a whole nother weapon. All you'd have to do with jedimod is shorting the blade to about 0.35. I think you helped me before but i'm not sure heres a link to the saber.

http://www.jedicenter.com/downloads/sabers.phtml?id=141746&language=en or http://www.jk2files.com/file.info?ID=3698

The thing is I've gotten it to work in jedimod but the texture isn't showing and I believe I might not have totally made it compatible cause the lightsaberblade is a little off now.

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I have seen several variations on Darth Bane's Lightsaber. Originally, I was looking for pictures to place on my Jedisabers picture: http://web.umr.edu/~mlang/jk2/JediSabers.jpg


However, that picture had turned into my saber models.


One of the reference pictures I found for Darth Bane's saber was the image you posted above, taken from the cover of the Jedi Vs Sith comic. This was the other image:



Personally, I like the image above better than the others and that I why I made the saber like that. Yes, I took some creative license with it, but not that much. I like how it turned out. Maybe later will I create the other version, but I make no promises.



As for the staft saber, we shall see. Im still in my resting phase, but I might work on it at some point.



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Originally posted by icepool

I have a request for you. Its called the staft saber and its really neat its like fighting with a whole nother weapon. All you'd have to do with jedimod is shorting the blade to about 0.35. I think you helped me before but i'm not sure heres a link to the saber.

http://www.jedicenter.com/downloads/sabers.phtml?id=141746&language=en or http://www.jk2files.com/file.info?ID=3698

The thing is I've gotten it to work in jedimod but the texture isn't showing and I believe I might not have totally made it compatible cause the lightsaberblade is a little off now.



Well, I looked at the saber and considered converting it, but the texture didnt really lend itself well to being remapped. Instead, I created a whole new saber with a similar design. It is something more...familiar:





Using my Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology, I made a model of the Royal Guard's Force Pike. Instead of the spear point, however, I created a Lightsaber emitter. Same staff saber idea, just fashioned with a little more finesse.


Hope this works :)


Its available in the same saber package:




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Originally posted by quamosity




Using my Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology, I made a model of the Royal Guard's Force Pike. Instead of the spear point, however, I created a Lightsaber emitter. Same staff saber idea, just fashioned with a little more finesse.

is there anyway to make the whole pike a jedimod compatable saber without the energy blade? if there is, i'd like to request the type of staff kir kanos wields, the double-bladed one... if that's not too much to ask. :rolleyes:

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I'm sure there is a way to do that, except I just dont know how atm. I will look into the katana, to see how it was done there.


Also, this force pike isnt the same design of the one Kir Kanos uses. This is the one with just the spear point, not the knife/blade.

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Originally posted by quamosity

Also, this force pike isnt the same design of the one Kir Kanos uses. This is the one with just the spear point, not the knife/blade.

i know, the pike there is the spike the normal guards carry in aotc and rotj carry. i know the difference. :D

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