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Lightsaber Hilts in Progress


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you probably noticed but why is it that the game cant make long lightsabers work probperly?


i tried using the darkstardb and the second blade comes out at the middle of saber at the connection point between the saber


the maul saber does something similar but doesnt look as bad and they are the same length and the long sabers also do this


WHY???? is it the game has hardcoded the legal length of the handel?

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I just finished modeling a saberhilt. I used Gmax. Once you Unwrap the mesh....the tutorial I'm using says to Unweld the verticies. I select the verticies....but I can't find the Unweld command. It says its the bottom on the top ....8 buttons from the left....but its not. There is a command to break the verticies...which i guess is the right button. I break the verticies...but I can't lay them out properly to be skinned. How can I take the saber apart into pieces and unfold them to be skinned????


Also...you ever try modeling something besides lightsabers?...Guns perhaps? Are you gonna model any characters?

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I know there are other tutorials out there, but could you please make a write-up on UVMapping and making skins? Your work is efficient, fast, and excellent quality. Your sabers are awesome. :)


I can make the models in MAX4, but I stumble when it comes to the skinning tutorial found here:




I need more in-depth instructions.


Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

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Concerning the dual-blade issue:


Yes, the game has the second blade hard coded into it. I would gather it mirrors the second blade a certain distance away from the first. I already had shortened the sabers, and I suppose I could shorten them some more to make it work better. I will look into that.



Concerning the problems with GMAX:


I do not use GMAX to make my lightsabers. I apologize, but I do not know how to help you in that regard. I use Milkshape 3d (best 20 bucks I ever spent) and it has helped me alot. But as for GMAX, I know there are some tutorials floating around that can be helpful. (The jk2models.cjb.net website is down, it seems, and that guy had a lot of helpful information. Hopefully he will return). You might want to try polycount.com to see if there is any information there.


As for my future modelling plans, I do not plan on going into any player modelling. Lightsabers are easy for me. They tend to be symmetrical and thats easy to work with. Organic objects are more difficult. I have no current plans for player models, however. I do create player skins. My two twi'lek skins can be seen here: http://web.umr.edu/~mlang/jk2/Skins/ Those I am not bad at. Creating the Force Pike would be a step into a general weapon area, and we shall see where that leads. I can say I plan on creating other weapon/lightsaber hybrids--including a Gaffi Stick-style lightsaber--but other than that we shall see what happens.



Concerning Shawn Kenobi's Saber hilts:


I would have to remap the saber in order to convert it, and that is something that I would not like to do. Can shawn convert them himself? Have you asked? If thats a problem, and he is willing to send me either the .md3 of the saber or a .3ds of the model, I would be more than happy to get it converted to the jedimodcompatible format. But I leave the asking to you. If you do get the files from him, contact me at quamosity@havenofrags.com and we can get it straightened out.



Concerning tutorials:


The only tutorials I am working from would be the original milkshape tutorial that I turned into a .pdf file and uploaded here:


That will most likely be the extent of my tutorial issues. That is what I worked from, and it proved to be very helpful to me. As to how I create the saber, in milkshape I use a 1-stacked, 6-sliced cylinder. Create it the length you desire and then each subsequent cylinder you need I created a duplicate of the first, and then scaled it appropriately, maintaining the same origin for all parts of the saber. The only thing of concern in that milkshape tutorial is the texture settings. In the .qc file, it is important to have the full dir structure of the skin texture listed. Here is what the .qc file of my saber_q_pike saber looks like:


// meshes (surfaces)

$mesh "saber_w"

$skin "models/weapons2/saber_q_pike/newsaber.jpg"

$flags 0


just change saber_q_pike to saber_yoursaber/yoursabertexture.jpg and you will be set.



It is late and I have an early morning tomorrow, but hopefully this has helped in some way.


I will try to work on that Mara Jade MOTS lightsaber, as well as the dual-bladed force pike of Kir Kanos, and Ottar Doneeta's Hilt. But I do not know how soon they will be up.


Just to clarify, sabers on my 'things to do' list include:


-A Gaffi stick/lightsaber Hybrid (in similar vein to the force pike)

-Mara Jade's MOTS lightsaber

-Ottar Doneeta's Hilt

-Kir Kanos' Dual Bladed Force Pike


I was looking at my Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology and noticed that I might be able to fashion a hybrid Lightsaber out of a Stokhli spray stick. Might be interesting. There are other sabers I wish to work on as well, and perhaps they will show up before the others.


Until next time,




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Just one question Quamosity, how did you uvUnwrap the model into a mesh to be able to skin it? I was making a Mace Windu EpII hilt for Jedi Outcast and I modeled it in Milkshape 3D and exported it and everything, it works fine ingame but there is no skin. I've had two skinners say they could mesh it but havn't been able to. How do you unWrap or UVmap these models so easily?


Your input is greatly appreciated :)

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My models start out as primitives (i.e. several cylinders, boxes, spheres, etc) and I skin mesh them as such. I find it easier to skinmesh just a small part at a time as opposed to the whole thing at once.


As for doing the actual skinmeshing, all I do is go to the second tab window on the model tool bar, select the group, then go to the materials tab (third tab) and make sure it is assigned to the single texture by hitting the ASSIGN button. The group has to be selected in order to be assigned correctly.



Hope that helps a bit


(sorry for no updates on sabers, I have been busy all day :-p )



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have you ever considered modeling weapons like jangos blasters or the battle droid rifle or the long version on the clone trooper rifel??


and please dont "move on" like every one else cuz you are really good at this stuff

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Quamosity I have an idea for a new type of lightsaber weapon. How about a shorting version of something the grim reaper would use. It would have a long handle and at the top it would do a 90 degree agle and the lightsaber beam could be attached to the end of a 90 degree angle. I think this weapon would work perfect with the two new saber styles. What do you think?

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Originally posted by Forums_End

Quamosity I have an idea for a new type of lightsaber weapon. How about a shorting version of something the grim reaper would use. It would have a long handle and at the top it would do a 90 degree agle and the lightsaber beam could be attached to the end of a 90 degree angle. I think this weapon would work perfect with the two new saber styles. What do you think?

it's been done. i don't have a link.

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Forgive me if this has already been answered, but, quamosity, what program do you use to make the textures for your sabers. They turn out really well and I have made a kit fisto saber that i'd like to post screenshots of, but first I need good textures as well as finding a site to host the pics. Also, your sabers are great and it was your sabers and ideas that got me into saber modeling, so thank you.



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