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Problems With Gametypes 2


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Hi all and thx For reading and replying to this thred


ok my problem is this...i have a server running on ffa

with kill limit of 30 and timelimit of 25

now when ppl vote in game to change game for duel

these settings are not changing to a duel mode game....

it even makes it possible to play same ffa game only on a duel map...what i want to do is that my server will be able to go from

ffa to duel or whatever (from voting) without having to reset it

evrytime a game type changes...i basically want 30 kill limit and 25 timelimit on ffa....and when it goes to duel i want 3 kill limit and 10 duel limit 25 timelimit...

please help...this is a really eambaressing prob..

i have to restart and shut server dow every time i wanna change gametype



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As far as I know, you can't accomplish what you want via voting. You're going to need to write a custom map rotation to do that. If you leave voting turned on, players will always be able to "breaK" the rotation and mess up the game types.

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Here's one possible solution:

First - Disable voting. And if you want you can try to find some regulars that you can trust if you want and let them help you "admin" the server by giving them the admin password and instructions on how to properly change to a duel map and set the right parameters.


Second - Put in a map rotation where every other map is a Duel so you have ffa, duel, ffa, duel, ...


Here my current rotation (notice ffa, duel, tffa, duel, ffa, ...)


// Custom Map Rotation

set d1 "set g_gametype 0; set g_forcePowerDisable "1168"; set fraglimit 20; set timelimit "20"; map ffa_carbonfreeze; set nextmap vstr d2"


set d2 "set g_gametype 3; set g_forcePowerDisable "16369"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map duel_wls3; set nextmap vstr d3"


set d3 "set g_gametype 5; set g_forcePowerDisable "1168"; set fraglimit 30; set timelimit "30"; map ffa_courtyard; set nextmap vstr d4"


set d4 "set g_gametype 3; set g_forcePowerDisable "16369"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map padtemple; set nextmap vstr d5"


set d5 "set g_gametype 0; set g_forcePowerDisable "1168"; set fraglimit 20; set timelimit "20"; map ffa_bespin; set nextmap vstr d6"


set d6 "set g_gametype 3; set g_forcePowerDisable "16369"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map duel_kamino; set nextmap vstr d7"


set d7 "set g_gametype 5; set g_forcePowerDisable "1168"; set fraglimit 30; set timelimit "30"; map duel_temple; set nextmap vstr d8"


set d8 "set g_gametype 3; set g_forcePowerDisable "16369"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map duel_wls5; set nextmap vstr d9"


set d9 "set g_gametype 0; set g_forcePowerDisable "1168"; set fraglimit 20; set timelimit "20"; map ffa_besbinarena; set nextmap vstr d10"


set d10 "set g_gametype 3; set g_forcePowerDisable "16369"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map irg_powergenerator; set nextmap vstr d11"


set d11 "set g_gametype 0; set g_forcePowerDisable "1168"; set fraglimit 20; set timelimit "20"; map ffa_yavin; set nextmap vstr d12"


set d12 "set g_gametype 3; set g_forcePowerDisable "16369"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map padhangar; set nextmap vstr d13"


set d13 "set g_gametype 5; set g_forcePowerDisable "1168"; set fraglimit 30; set timelimit "30"; map ffa_naboohangar; set nextmap vstr d14"


set d14 "set g_gametype 3; set g_forcePowerDisable "16369"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map duel_attack; set nextmap vstr d15"


set d15 "set g_gametype 0; set g_forcePowerDisable "1168"; set fraglimit 20; set timelimit "20"; map skyhigh; set nextmap vstr d16"


set d16 "set g_gametype 3; set g_forcePowerDisable "16369"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map duel_training; set nextmap vstr d17"


set d17 "set g_gametype 5; set g_forcePowerDisable "1168"; set fraglimit 30; set timelimit "30"; map padhall; set nextmap vstr d18"


set d18 "set g_gametype 3; set g_forcePowerDisable "16369"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map crusher; set nextmap vstr d19"


set d19 "set g_gametype 0; set g_forcePowerDisable "1168"; set fraglimit 20; set timelimit "20"; map ffa_ns_hideout; set nextmap vstr d20"


set d20 "set g_gametype 3; set g_forcePowerDisable "16369"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map Matrix_Dojo; set nextmap vstr d21"


set d21 "set g_gametype 5; set g_forcePowerDisable "1168"; set fraglimit 30; set timelimit "30"; map HF_Duel_Platform; set nextmap vstr d1"

vstr d1 //set the start map for custom rotation

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I see what you mean.


I just figured if people want to duel they go on a duel server, and if they want FFA they go on an FFA server.


I'm too used to Quake style - select your server/gametype combos.


I'm new to the JK 2 server stuff. :)


I've been getting lots of regulars on my server, and they tend to fill it up the majority of the time.

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