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Double sabers cracked! Pics inside!


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I was able to connect and play on the server for about 2 minutes before I started getting Connection issues (I was still in the server but couldn't do anything.) I then disconnected from the server, selected the Mod, and tried reconnecting. Now I get "Server Disconnected" every time.


I also pinged the server and averaged a 155ms wich means it's not a low ping issue.

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Just A FYI,SOMEONE is banning people before they even get into the server ,only admins should have the right and this A$$weasel is having fun with it ,I AND several others tryed to log in WHEN We where on IRC together ,I thought maybe it was the connection ,So I tryed it out sat there for 6 minutes downloading the pk3 file,GOt into the game and a vote was called to ban me ,GOT booted went back on IRC And confrimed to the rest of the guys that in fact it was true..And now I post over here to info you that this is going on right now...pull voting off the server or have a admin present at all times.THis is no way to run a open beta when you cant even beta test the dam thing...

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Its impossible to be banned by voting. You can be kicked, but not banned, Im sure if you were "banned" the admin had a logical reason for doing so (ex= you were lagging something awful). Did you even try to reconnect? By the way the mod looks cool, even though I highly doubt it will make for more interesting gameplay. Also, will it be compatible with 1.04?

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1.04 patch might be bad in a way and im gonna say why.

Some mod makers like tchouck(sp?) maker of the rbg, scaling, and dualphase componates and others that are good at coding have gone for the summer to vacation.

Now i dunno what all you have to update for the mods to work with the new patch, but since half the jedimod IS the tck mod and he's gone. That may present a problem for updating the jedimod and others. I dunno maybe dest knows how to.


But others just may have the tck mod, or others may have just scaling\saber mod, and tchouck(still bad sp) is gone for vacation.


So as for now im gonna keep the 1.03 patch untill i see the mods i have are updated and Will be updated.

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I'm doing the same thing pud1.

I'd rather have these great mods than the patch right now.

Dest seems like he'll be able to update it though :)


Dest, the damage scaling sounds interesting... nice job.

Oh and the team colors fix!! Thank you!!

Does that mean that all the skin issues should be resolved? I have a couple of ANH Luke skins that would not work with Tchouky's mod as well as the Teams Colors.





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Could there be a way to run this on a backup server also?not everyone is getting in to try it out,And I was able to try it and its really kool,I will be willing to setup the backup server and run this mod so everyone can play it and have fun

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I have all of tchouky's model scaling and rgb code in my mode and I'll update to version 1.04 as soon as raven says how.


The red lines were me debuging saber hit boxes they should be gone now.


I'd set up a backup server but I'm changing stuff fairly often still.


LD1984 did you get that big by doing model big or is it a bug, and if it's a bug how did you do it?

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