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I think I was justified...


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Hey there,


Something came up in CTF the other day that I think I was justified in doing but am curious to get others' reaction.


Here's the situation:


Was playing CTF in the Garrison map.


I was the only player at our base at the time.


Flag was not there.


Here's what happened:

Red player comes along (I'm blue) and doesn't come for a fight. He runs over to where the bacta and shield wall generator are and pops up his console. I'm thinking that he's just doing that to be left alone for when the flag reappears, but I give him the benefit of the doubt for 10 seconds. He's still in console but I go over and kill him anyway.


Why I think it was okay:

Don't pop up your console or chat in other teams base and expect to live.


Am I right?


EDIT: He didn't complain when killed which tells me he was trying to be sneaky.

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Well, I think you were justified in killing him, especially since he didn't complain about it.


If this was 1.02 without the chat-logo, anyone would have killed him and he'd just have looked like a sneaky git.


And besides, one shouldn't configure options in the middle of the enemy base. 'Nuff said.

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