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remap locations


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Ive found some success from learning the DFA, thanks goes to you helpful people! But Im still struggling with the kick. I am told its because of how i remapped the controls. I have been a long time player of Rogue Spear and such games, where the arrows are used for controls. So, that means I cant use space to jump if I expect to be mobile at the same time. Im using right control currently for jump, but i cant seem to execute the kick properly from there. Does anyone else use the arrows and can kick? If so what do u use for jump?

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if using the arrow keys, i would suggest you remap all your keys to the num pad, it will give you a similar feel and put a lot more keys at your finger tips. I personally use a mouse button for jump and that works very well for me. most of my other keys are mapped on the number pad.

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Originally posted by leelink

if using the arrow keys, i would suggest you remap all your keys to the num pad, it will give you a similar feel and put a lot more keys at your finger tips. I personally use a mouse button for jump and that works very well for me. most of my other keys are mapped on the number pad.


mine are pretty much default setup;)


i need to bind absorb to a key nearby though for lightning and stuff so that i don't have to go z/x then f to use it (takes too long)

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