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If player count > "x" then set fraglimit "y"


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I think you could do it with kkrcon.. like, make a script and run it every minute:


blub=$(kkrcon status)

blah=countlines($blub) // find a good linux command to count lines, i am too lazy


if (blah<5) then doyourstuffhereviarcon

else doyourotherstuffhere

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I didn't say it couldn't be done. I answered his question which stated "without a mod". To me, a mod includes custom scripts, bots, etc. Yes, my bot could do it. However, the bot only works with u1.04 because that's the point at which they fixed the logging. Since most of the community isn't running u1.04 servers, I haven't continued development yet. I would prefer for an official patch that includes the u1.04 logging changes for that.

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no offense to raven but we should not wait for them to make our destiny. i dont care much about the majority, bacause i dont depend on it! and i dont know why u do matrixcpa, except u would want to charge us mony for your bot....

look at it that way, u make your bot ready for us mod users and then the remaining bunch of lame servers will have another good reason to get a mod running.

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TheAphextwin: Next time I need a rewording of one of my posts, I'll call ya, ok?


Matrix: Mod = Game Modification, yknow? =)


Nite: Patch is coming out tomorrow. Don't you hate always being wrong?

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Well aren't I just the little spark that started he flame...


Firstly I do appreciate all the replies. I feel Matrix was just in how he answered my question for I am somewhat inept atthe scipts and bots arena. Matrix probably knows this from my many other posts. Also I am guilty of not giving enough information regarding the situation/configuration. My server is on an Win2K machine so I doubt creating a script or bot i, with my current knowledge level, is possible.


I'm still a relative n00b at the server admin venture with only a month or so experiance. I have not encountered the command kkrcon. Ill look that one up...


again, thanks for your replies!



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Originally posted by Raze

TheAphextwin: Next time I need a rewording of one of my posts, I'll call ya, ok?


Matrix: Mod = Game Modification, yknow? =)


Nite: Patch is coming out tomorrow. Don't you hate always being wrong?


wow raze u sure told us! we are all a bunch of lamers. shame on us!

where am i wrong? what did i say? just that we should not wait for raven to give us the stuff. ok there's much we cant do by moding and it would also help alot if there is an official patch so everybody would have that but....

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Originally posted by Dak_iSuk

I have not encountered the command kkrcon. Ill look that one up...




kkrcon is an external perl script. You can download it at um kkrcon.sourceforge.org I believe.




Originally posted by NITEMARE


wow raze u sure told us! we are all a bunch of lamers. shame on us!


Hmm? I wasn't unfriendly at all, just to the first guy for he just reworded my idea.. Maybe get some Prozac, I hear it's good against obsessive compulsive disorder.



Originally posted by NITEMARE

where am i wrong? what did i say? [blub]


I wasn't saying you were wrong.. just commenting on the rather funny fact that you were like "Raven will never patch" and the next moment Raven announces a new patch heh.


Now that I re-read your post, it's way worse than mine.. "All the lamer servers!" lol. Prozac I say.




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Originally posted by NITEMARE

no offense to raven but we should not wait for them to make our destiny. i dont care much about the majority, bacause i dont depend on it! and i dont know why u do matrixcpa, except u would want to charge us mony for your bot....

look at it that way, u make your bot ready for us mod users and then the remaining bunch of lame servers will have another good reason to get a mod running.

Honestly, the reason I'm waiting is because I don't have a lot of free time and I don't want to need to recode the bot later (possibly one day later, go figure) because the official patch changes something else. I have absolutely no intention to charge for the bot, nor would I be legally able to do so since the bot is written in Perl and is licensed under the same open license as Perl itself.


Now, just so you know, I'm offended for two reasons. First off, the implication that my motivation for the bot was to make money. If I were interested in making money, do you seriously believe that I would spend all the UNPAID time answering questions on this forum that I do? I feel a deep commitment to the server admin community and help out because I can.


Second, I happen to run one of those "lame servers" to which you refer. I ran u104 for a total of 8 hours before I pulled it out. While I was overjoyed that the u104 code fixed the logging issues which crippled my bot, I disliked a lot of the half-arsed fixes to the saber balance issues. Of course, I expected that a bit, given the code changes weren't completed by Raven.


Thanks for the vote of confidence.

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well my choice of langauge can be extreme sometimes. nothing to feel offended. not somebody like you matrixcpa! i consider u one of the leet guys heh. and that money thing was meant ironic but i forgot to mark it so nobody could think its for real. ofcourse its absurd to charge money! heh

but i dont think that u did any good with testing the mod for just 8 hours. thats a very short time to realy judge something. and maeking a mod by your own takes little time to find the right values for saber damage. thats the first thing i did! i know that raven did not patch how it should be. and i dont care! they disapointed me the first time with the 1.03 patch. but i dont think bad of them. they are just the provider and we should know how to make the best of it. they probably dont even play it online or even developed it with multiplayer as an important feature in mind...

befor taking down your server test other posibilities, and not for just 8 hours...

i forced my mod on my server and i got thru with it! but i fear that many people cant connect because of this unpure pk3 thingy. thats why i made it an unpure server now because it became very empty after i updated the mod some days ago. i hope the patch will be easy to assimilate...

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