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New custom Npcs are possible


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After lots of work the community has unlocked custom npcs.


First before you make the npc file, take the model or skin you want to change and extract it to base/models/plyaers.

then rename the model folder using this guide. yourmodel is in place of the name of the specific model name.

*Dark Jedi---- rebornyourmodel


*Blaster User----styourmodel

*Bowcaster User------weequayyourmodel (It works)

Failure to follow this guid will result in the weapon being placed at the origin or crotch instead of the persons hands.


Second create a file named newnpcs.npc


in it type:




playerModel reborntyrion

saberColor red

rank captain

reactions 5

aim 5

move 5

aggression 3

evasion 5

intelligence 5

hfov 160

vfov 160

height 78

crouchheight 42

width 18

playerTeam enemy

enemyTeam player

// race human

class tavion

yawSpeed 120

walkSpeed 55

runSpeed 200

snd sith_tyrion

sndcombat sith_tyrion

sndjedi sith_tyrion

health 500

dismemberProbHead 99

dismemberProbArms 99

dismemberProbLegs 99

dismemberProbHands 99

dismemberProbWaist 99

scalez 110





fullName "Fett,Jango"

playerModel stjango

snd jango_fett

reactions 5

aim 4

move 5

aggression 3

evasion 5

intelligence 5

rank captain

playerTeam enemy

enemyTeam player

// race human

class Reelo

snd jango_fett

sndcombat jango_fett

sndextra jango_fett

sndjedi jango_fett

walkSpeed 75

runSpeed 300

yawspeed 200

dismemberProbHead 99

dismemberProbArms 99

dismemberProbHands 99

dismemberProbLegs 99

dismemberProbWaist 99

scaleZ 90





playermodel jedityrion

saberColor random

snd jedi_tyrion

reactions 5

aim 4

move 5

aggression 1

evasion 5

intelligence 5

rank captain

playerTeam player

enemyTeam enemy

// race human

class jedi

snd jedi_tyrion

sndcombat jedi_tyrion

sndextra jedi_tyrion

sndjedi jedi_tyrion

walkSpeed 75

runSpeed 300

yawspeed 200

dismemberProbHead 99

dismemberProbArms 99

dismemberProbHands 99

dismemberProbLegs 99

dismemberProbWaist 99

scaleZ 95



These require the Jango Fett Model from Absath

and The Sith Tyrion and Jedi Tyrion pack from them too.

Try Playing with Different commands found in the npcs.cfg to create new and different ones.


BTW***** PLACE THE .npc FILE IN YOUR base/ext_data folder.


I will update with new information as it comes available.

If you find out new information post it here too

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So how would i go about replaceing Tavion with a Darth Maul model and sounds? Iv seen someone made a reborn to maul swap, but that sucks, reborns are to easy in single player, Tavion would be a better character to turn into maul, shes not as hard as Desann but shes still pretty good. If you can give me instructions on what i need to do to make the switch, ill make it and upload it to this site.:maul:

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Actually studman, weequayyourmodel DOES NOT work to give an npc a bowcaster, and I think maybe you should have tested this before even suggesting the possibility. Others (including myself) may have done this before posting.


Or better yet, how about not starting a new thread and let the "community" to which you so lightly refer continue to develop this new tack where it started. Maybe a moderator could rename the original thread to clarify the topic, but I hardly think it's necessary to detract from the valuable information there with a new thread in your honor.


If you have something genuine to contribute, by all means do so, but please don't turn this into the mess that happened in the modeling forum.


Thank you.

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Darth Game god:


extract maul to your base/models/players folder.


then rename the folder to rebornmaul


after doing so in the newnpcs.cfg put this section in:




playerModel rebornmaul

saberColor red

rank captain

reactions 5

aim 5

move 5

aggression 3

evasion 5

intelligence 5

hfov 160

vfov 160

height 78

crouchheight 42

width 18

playerTeam enemy

enemyTeam player

// race human

class tavion

yawSpeed 120

walkSpeed 55

runSpeed 200

snd maul

sndcombat maul

sndjedi maul

health 500

dismemberProbHead 99

dismemberProbArms 99

dismemberProbLegs 99

dismemberProbHands 99

dismemberProbWaist 99



See the variable called class depending on how this is set is if they push or pull or choke, or can block force better, you said you wanted him to be tavion strength.


Also I upped his health to make him stronger

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Correction, it does work. I think I mispelled it the first time (c'mon it's hard to spell). I apologize for the confusion.


Studman, I still feel splitting the thread is/was a waste of energy. No offense, but your also the guy who faked at least three different models today and started WWIII in the modeling forum, so I think my initial skepticism and bluntness is somewhat justified. Anyway, let's not argue - I acknowledge your hand in passing along the info from chang. Let's just both continue figuring out new ways to improve this method.

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ok this is what i did, i made a folder in the \GameData\base\models\players dir named RebornMaul, i extracted all of the Maul model files into that folder. Then in that folder i made a new notepad file and copied all that stuff you had set up there. I named it newnpcs.npc (it still said it was a notepad file, i dunno how to change the extention on it.) i tried to spawn him, but obviously it didnt work, so what am i doing wrong?

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It doesn't HAVE to be thew enemy. I made a jediObi1 and made him an enemy, then i made a rebornMaul and made him my friend.......I didn;t HAVE to do that....but I was testing.....so far I have had no problem with making someone enemy team or plsyer team.

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Does your newnpcs.npc still have a .txt extension at the end? Notepad probably shouldn't recognize the .npc format right away without you telling it to, so it sounds like this is the problem.


To change the extension, go to "folder options", click the view tab and uncheck "hide file extensions for known types". In Win98 that is. You should be able to change it manually now.


Studman, if you're trying the gran and trandoshan again, give rodian and rt a whirl too - I think I had them set to friendly when I tried it.

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Emon in the .npc file put this




playerModel weequaychewie

snd wookiee

reactions 5

aim 4

move 5

aggression 3

evasion 5

intelligence 5

rank captain

playerTeam enemy

enemyTeam player

// race human

class Reelo

snd wookiee

sndcombat wookiee

sndextra wookiee

sndjedi wookiee

walkSpeed 75

runSpeed 300

yawspeed 200

dismemberProbHead 99

dismemberProbArms 99

dismemberProbHands 99

dismemberProbLegs 99

dismemberProbWaist 99

scaleZ 120



also change the wookiee folder name to weequaychewie

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