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WIP: Dark Helmet Model

Midgit Yoda

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I finished the sound set yesterday. I didn't use "come back you fat bearded bitch!", but, as far as profanity goes, both "I knew it, I'm surrounded by ***holes" and "keep firing, ***holes!" are in there (if you can consider anything from a PG Mel Brooks movie "profane"). Though they're set as jdetected3 and jlost3, which means they hardly ever get played. In fact, I made a custom npc just to try out the set, and, after playing for quite some time against him, I never once heard these clips. Furthermore, in MP, I don't think it's even possible to hear those sounds - so I don't think two separate releases are really necessary.


Btw, if anyone wants to preview the sound set (and offer feedback before the final model release), just give me an email to send it to. I set the sounds up with a stormpilot custom npc for now, cause you really can't get a feel for the whole set until you play against it in SP. :)

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Well, I have the head nearly completed. Sorry I haven' t put very much effort into this model yet. I've been busting my butt working on my Jawa. And I'm gonna be set back a while on everything b/c I have to undo a lot of what I did to the Jawa (luckily I have a lot of different saves so it isn't permanently damaged). I may be able to release the Jawa in about a week or so. Once that's released, watch out. Dark Helmet will me coming at you at Ludacris speed! Untill then though, I won't tell what my next project is (even though I have one in mind hehehe and yes it is from spaceballs :)). Thanks for your help sound guys :). Once again, when I get the whole WIP section of my site (http://www.nbeecee.com/jedicouncil/) done I will give you guys credit for the sounds.

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Well I was considering puttin this one on hold but it looks like it's stricken an interest nerve in you guys. I am moving to Ludacris speed with this. It will now be my main work. Sadly this week is hectic big time for me guys. I will be able to accomplish something probably Tonight (won't be here Wed. at ALL) and maybe thursday and friday night. Saturday is going to suck though b/c we're having company. later that night I should be able to get some done. I hope to have it completely modeled by next week. LUDACRIS SPEED GO!

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just read the thread and the models coming along nicely, but mostly u have reminded me of a fantastic laugh of a film to watch :D :D :D


thats it im gonna go out and buy it :D keep up the good work midget yoda or should it be yogurt?? ;)




p.s everyone else is doing it so " may the schwartz be with you" lol love that :elephant:

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