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Resetting the score sheet

Jah Warrior

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i dunno if there's another way but you could just use the map command to change to the same map, which is really just restarting the map. so for example if u were playing on bespin and wanted to reset the scores just do map ffa_bespin

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Perhaps what you really want is to set a fraglimit or a capturelimit (depending if the game is FFA or CTF, respectively). That way, the map would cycle once someone reaches that point automatically. If you're running a duel server, then you also need to set duel_fraglimit.

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sorry fellas,


I know i shoud have said , what can i tell you - I'm a dumbass!


Its a duel server and want to be able to blank the score sheet to get a fresh 10 if you know what i mean. also if you know a command so that kicked players or dead conns dont affect the scores that would be really helpful too.






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As far as duels are concerned, here are the relevant cvars for map cycle timing:


fraglimit -- number of kills by one player to "win" a single duel. If this is 2, it's the same as best 2 out of 3. If it's 3, it's like best 3 out of 5. If it's 1, then it's just one fight before the loser is swapped out.


duel_fraglimit -- number of duels that one player needs to win in order for there to be a map change. If this is 8, then one player needs to win 8 duels. That doesn't mean that there's only 8 duels--unless one player wins them all.


timelimit -- length (in minutes) that each round of the duel can last. This depends on what you want. Personally, I try to keep the matches from going on and on and on because one player is running away all the time. Howewver, I don't want to set it so short as to prematurely stop a good fight.

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