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Class Definitions in the Npcs.cfg and What They Do #1

Rajess MoDuron

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Okay, last night I tooled around with the Npcs.cfg in the hopes of creating a npc for every Jedi skin I have. It worked with exceptional results, except for one skin problem (ep2windu has no face or head whatsoever, it looks like a texture problem).


While I was tooling around, I discovered two things that absolutely rely on the class of your character, and these are primary dark jedi variables, but you can do stuff with the LS too.


How They Fight:


class Desann will fight like Desann

class Tavion will fight like Tavion

class Reborn will fight like Reborn

class Jedi will fight like the npc Jedi

class Luke will fight like Luke


obvious, right? Well, the way that this changes things is that the Jedi classes are ALL better than the reborns, so (within reason) a Jedi with all his statistics at 2 will be able to beat a Reborn class with all stats at 4 on at least a 50/50 basis...which makes no sense. Anyway, a Jedi-Tavion matchup is pretty good, and desann class can pretty much knock the stuffing out of anything, including a Luke class.


Lightsaber Handle:


You all probably knew this already, but the handle is dependent on the class, therefore all npc's of class Luke will have luke's saber handle, all of npc class desann desann's and so forth.





What do I want to learn how to do?


Create new classes. I know that someone tooled around with the Desann class when they made the Desann-Vader mod, so it would be nice if someone could drop me a line about how they did it and how complex the class definitions are it would be great.



Again, probably none of this was new information, but still, I thought it was pretty cool.

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Thing is, that the way the AI works not many of the badguys with blasters do evasive manuevers unless their AI is made to.


and Fullname is only applicable on the main NPC's, I don't use it in the ones I've created.


Right now I have (with character appropriate heights):




Obi Wan (Ep 1 & 2)

Anakin Skywalker (one for basic gameplay, and one specifically created for a duel with Dooku, as well as another that is an enemy)

Mace Windu

Qui-Gon Jinn

Aayla Secura

Bultar Swan

Luminara Unduli

Qui-Zan Buuzza



Exar Kun (with the great model)

Darth Vader

Count Dooku

Darth Bane

Darth Maul (with the older model, the one from polycount)



They are all pretty boss.

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Your problems come from the source directory of the skins. By naming them jediBLAHBLAHBLAH you have to also edit the SKIN file associated with them, otherwise the skins will not show up.


Perhaps you'd like to join my NPC Mod team that I want to create, so we can start releasing these mod packs for people (wait until my first pack is released on jkii - it'll give you an idea of what to do).


I am also interested in finding out how to make new classes, as I want to give players custom weapons in future releases (like giving new jedi their respective sabers).

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Well, not exactly. See, the skins are all renamed, and I just have to fix bane's a little (his torso && body armor I somehow keep forgetting to rename)


But Mace's head just doesn't work. The torso and legs do, but his face and baldness are all screwy. Anyway, my time is going to be too filled up by The Jedi Knights of the Old Republic MOD, but maybe I can submit some stuff.

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