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Black and Silver Hilt WIP


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Here's another hilt I cooked up for a friend. It's based off his Star Wars RPG character Arlon, who wields two lightsabers holding both upside-down.



Arlon likes the hilt. Let's see if everyone else does. If so, I will upload to JediKnightii.net


Here's a screenshot I designed after Def-One and Lonewolf's sweet Obi - Wan hilt.




Arlon built this lightsaber while he was imprisoned as a slave on the spice mines of Kessel. He built the hilt from parts he scavenged from mostly mining equipment, keeping his reverse-style in mind. The blade itself is based off two drilling crystals--one blue and one green, giving the blade a teal color that alters between green and blue. The crystals were too small to give enough focus to the blade alone---thus there are two.

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impressive hilt you got there. just as *BLEEP* great as the alaris hilt you made.


my ONLY criticism is with the concept of the hilt. if it were to be made of scavanged mining equip, i think it could/should look a little rougher, pieced-together ... kind of like a frankenstein's monster of a lightsaber hilt, only NOT grotesque. making sense? but that's just my 2 cents, after all, it IS your friend's concept and your model.


i am very intrigued by the whole double hilt, upside down thing. do you think it's even remotely possible to have some kind of MOD allowing that to happen?


anyway, alaris, keep producing these hilts! before you know it you'll have a whole arsenal full. :D

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as you can see, I am enjoying making all these hilts. I may make an Anakin hilt next.


As for the concept: Take a look at the hilt again. The black shaft is one tub, kinda like a mag lite. The chrome caps look like they could have been hack-sawed off one chrome tube. There's also a tiny steel shaft running up the middle. That's about it. The button and adjuster could have been taken off any other piece of machinery.


Thank you for your input, though. I like it that people pay attention to the background, not just the looks.



As for the metallic looks, you can make this fairly easy in PSP or Adobe Photoshop----It's called the gradient tool. To get a shiny look, you have to pull some dark colors and light colors close together to make it look like a sharp shine. For duller metals, pull the colors further apart. hope that helps.

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The bottom was a complete fluke believe it or not. I hadn't even skinned it yet, and I looked at it and said "That looks dam@ good!"


Check out the top of the Koon hilt:




The first layer was taking one flat gradient and spinning it around several times. The second layer is a small circular gradient with the core black for the hole and several tones around the perimeter to give it depth. Just play with the gradient tool man!

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Alaric, how would you like to help skin some of my hilts? I've tried unwrapping in Milkshape but it just ends up outright disastrous sometimes (I think I'm not doing it right ^_^).


Yea, I know about the whole Texture Mapping thing, but it only maps one side that you pick, so that's why most of my sabers look one-sided ^_^.

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Alaris I do not mean to hijackyour thread, but since you are my favorite hilt maker can you please make me a saber i've designed :D




It's a half luke saber half exar kun end and i did some editing and spiffying up in photoshop


i was hoping if u can take a look at that and maybe think about making that or as close as possible for me


Please your the best :D

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I love your name. If you have a little patience, I may be able to help you out. I am going to make an Anakin ep 2 hilt next, and I am currently working on another player model. Once the Anakin hilt is done, it would be much easier to help you out with your hilt.


However, in all candor and honesty, the hilt does look like someone cut dad and son's lightsabers and superglued them together. If you have emotional attachment to this design, let me know and I will help you in the future. If not, I suggest a little more originality.


Thanks for the compliments btw. Nice words can be hard to come by sometimes in forums.

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man, you are really good at making those look realistic. Don't rush your work, though. The last one you made looks like one lightsaber coming out of another one---and you're mixing apples and oranges. Do you have a scanner? If so, do some sketches of your ideas. That's how I came up with the alaris saber. I spent a long time sketching that one out.

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models? that's not a model he just did real good cut/pasting using ps or pshop. it's a picture ^_^ you can so obviously tell (i'm great at doctoring photos, I should know) ^_^. You can see the anti-aliased pixels around the edges too.


but enough of that. the best thing for you to do when requesting custom sabers is to draw your saber out, because in the end tha will give us a better idea of what you're trying to accomplish rather than just cut/pasting existing sabers.

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alaris all i did was cut and paste and erase and stuff in photoshop to give you an example of the shape i want ya to make.


I didnt use any model making tool, just giving you an idea.


I dunno if u understand


[edit] ok chrono thats all i know how to do

How do i draw an example other than cut and pating out of photoshop?[/edit]

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Thank you geniuses. I was aware that those weren't real models. Would he be asking me for help if they were? I was complimenting him on his 2D splicing abilities.


Anywho, I took some above advice and from Arlon himself and made the hilt look a little more made-from-the-junk-pile. Let me know what you think.



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Excellent work Alaris. I shall be following your career with great interest. I downloaded your Alaris Saber hilt, but I can't find the Player Model anywhere. If you uploaded it to any sites, could you please tell me which? Another thing, "Alaris" is eerily similar to a sketch I did of MY Star Wars character. Granted there were of course some differences, but they were very much alike. Strange huh? (BTW, I am in no way saying Alaris stole my design, so nobody start posting about that. I'm just commenting on much our two ideas were alike)

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