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Studman stop stealing my ideas.


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I see you've made good progress figuring out NPCs with Chang. That's wonderful. However, for some odd reason you didn't start thinking about mod packs until I announced mine. Mod pack = fine, because I'm not one to capitalize on any mod. Using the exact same characters and methods of announcing it (AND the same method...odd) is downright wrong.


You came up with a good idea (with Chang's help). Don't steal other people's good ideas just to make yourself feel better for ticking off the modeling board with that WIP garbage.

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Excuse Me Chrono But I have Been Working on the project for a long time. About one month ago. I made all off them, until recently when I uncovered the naming requirements. I just didn't announce anything. But since you announced yours I have to announce mine or noone will want to see mine and try it out.

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i can't believe this loser didn't at least get banned for all those fraudulent posts and rude remarks he made. Hell i would have looked up his ISP and sent a harrassment complaint to them. Looks like he was given another chance, bad move cause he's at it again. :rolleyes:

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ya well i sure as hell won't be reading anymore threads by you, i've already wasted too much of my time looking at your bull****. I don't care if you actually do release a real mod, cause knowing it was made by you is plenty enough to turn me away from it.

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The big difference is, I gave you partial credit for the NPC findings in my mod, that's fine.


You are posting 4 topics every second about how you want to add everybody and their brother's NPC right after I started offering. You even started on the Coleman Trebor topic talking about all he needed to do was rename his directory.


Modellers don't need to rename their directories so that you can just make a half-assed file and call it a mod. That's why it's called a mod because there is actual work involved. Why should a modeller go the extra length just to make it compatible for you? You're the one making the mod, do the work yourself.


I offered to make a team of this, so that we could work together, but all you seem to be doing is promoting your own work above everyone else's.


Needless to say, without Chang you wouldn't have accomplished any of this. So go ahead, do what you want. The reason my mod packs are ready in less than a few days is because I know what I'm doing when I edit and put them together. Computer language is english to me, so just because I manage to get everything done quick (look at my sabers) doesn't mean it'll be of horrible quality.


Don't you have a Jabba or Jar-Jar or Rancor model or new animations to work on? Sorry, but all my work is real, and these people know I have everything to show for (because I actually provide screenshots every announcement, rather than hyping it up) - all you've managed to prove so far is how good a help you can be when you're not making stuff up.

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Why am i being rude to you? because i was one of the sad individuals that took the time to read through your jabba and animation posts only to find out it was a pack of lies in both cases. When someone makes me waste that much of my time i tend to get ticked off, that was a despicable thing to do and you should be VERY ashamed of yourself.

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Originally posted by studman0201

You didn't want my help. You said you were doing it all youself. Cuz I would of givin you all my files, but it is too late. You shunned me once, not this time tho.


please include the link where I said I wanted to do this all myself. I'd be interested to find out who's putting words in my mouth.

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Jeez dudes, just go back to the "how do I get my edited npcs in-game" thread to see the genesis of the idea. It'll become pretty clear that a bunch of people - including Chrono and studman, but many others - developed this idea and actually got it working.


studman, whatever you made a month ago couldn't have been more than a lot of different npcs with guns and sabers up their asses, because at that point we were all stuck. When you say things like this and start a new thread to talk about your 50 npc mod (which would be like 35 Mb unless you make people download all the skinpacks themselves), it really comes off badly. You got lots of good info for us from chang and I thank you for that - but a lot of people worked over the past few days to apply it and help each other.


In a few months there'll be lots of npc mod packs out there and hopefully a thread explaining how to do it a la MP>SP conversion, so I wouldn't get too wrapped up over who holds the rights to the process... all it amounts to is changing some folder names and lines of text. How many different threads do we need on this?



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He's also spamming other threads about wanting to do packs for them. He had to be told no a good four times or so on the Maw WIP thread alone. It's obvious he's desparate for any form of attention he can get. My suggestion is to ignore him. No flames, no praise, no recognition of any kind. He doesn't seem to care whether he gets yelled at or cheered, as long as he's the center of attention.

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Harukaze No one said no, so I am sorry if I insulted you I just want to help as much as possible with anything possible. Please dont be agravated by it. If it weren't for me, how would any of yall know about this?? Hmmm

I was the one who e-mail Chang. In fact I e-mailed so much that I was beginning to be afraid of agravating him with my mail. I discovered the .npc and the naming conventions, and the NPC_spawner for custom npcs in maps, and had an Idea for this lon ago because SP saber battles are more fun than fighting bots, I just didn't reveal anything because I wasn't satisfied with sabers in the crotch crap.


So Harakuze Please leave me alone, you seem to get angry easily and quickly. Let me do what I do best and Work to improve the npc spawning of JO editing, I happened to see you in the thread that I explained everything about .npc files in asking for help on it so obviously you benefited from me so why put me down, does it make you feel happy?


All I am is saying dont put me down for no reason. I said I was sorry for my past behaviors done by my brother, so forgive and forget, kapesh


Chrono you said so in the first mod pack thread---one of the two

You said you were making them yourself


And as always may the Farce be with You

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I'm sorry to say I've read through that topic.


Studman: Learn modern conventions of written English.


On that note, go one-grade back to a Catholic elementary school somewhere. It looks like a royal beating could do you and your non-existant sense of respect some good.

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Originally posted by studman0201

All I am is saying dont put me down for no reason. I said I was sorry for my past behaviors done by my brother


lol gimme a break, your brother? couldn't you come up with something better than that? i can't believe how compulsive you are with your lies, do you ever stop?

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stud, i suggest you change your behavior (all those threads in the model, general editing forums are giving enough hints how to change) somewhat or people will lose the last percent respect they have for you



also you seem to be overambitious very often in your postings which adds more to the image people already have about you



other people don't get flamed for being on the boards, but you are, i hope you'll see there is some potential for other board attitudes

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Heh, I have known how to MP to SP conversion for a LONG time. Only now I do it through npcs.cfg instead of the "ole fashioned way". Stdud, I am not saying this to be rude, but you were being kind of....ya know...."moddy". I remember I used to try to make mods JUST so I could be on the "Top Weekly D/L". lol. I finally got over it and just mde mods to make people happy. After that, a perfect Maul model started calling me......."make me SP".lol. Anyway, it made 5th place......my dream came true.

*Phillio looks at what he wrote and notices he got off track*.


When I was reading all thesae threads, I felt a sence of "I want mine postde, your sucks." You should NEVER post a mod, just cause you want ppl to think you are "all that". Now, I'm not saying that you did that, I'm just saying what I found was a better modding way.


All my work has been ole fashioned editing........


Neutral Enemy, Singleplayer Thrawn, SP Model and sabre hilt switcher, Imperial vs. Rebels conversion v1.0, v1.1, and 1.2, SP Maul, and the 1-hit-kill mod are all my mods.


*Phillio notices that that last paragraph wasn't needed.*


I'm really getting off subject.


(P.S. Have you made any other mods, studman?)

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