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1.04 Patch Problems


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Well it seems this thread might as well start now.....



After installing the 1.04 patch, the game seems to play like 1.03 still. Now I know what some of you are thinking, I must still be running the 1.03 executable, but I assure you I am not. I backed up my original to another file, and copied the jk2ded from the package in... so I know I"m using the right jk2ded, or at least it should be.


The only 2 unknowns I Have, is if the patch changed the assset*.pk3 files at all, as I didnt' copy them if they we're changed.


Or maybe these linux server binaries someone made a big boo boo.

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Okay I figured it out..... Apparently another pk3 file was added called "assets5.pk3".



So patch your windows machines and copy the file from there to your linux boxes...



Failure to do so will result in a 1.03a server masquerading as a 1.04 server..


As opposed to the last patch where the server simply didn't run without the file. (segmentation fault)


And if anyone is listening...... for future patches please explicity specify what files we're added. I mean christ we're only talking about 1... If "assets5.pk3" we're mentioned in the readme would of avoided this problem. Yeah sure I could of updated my win machine and trolled the base directory for the new file, but how do I know for sure there was a new file too look for... if the readme doesn't explicity state there was a new file. I mean hell the readme states "copy files (notice the word files) from 1.03 and 1.04 patches" hmmmmm so there must be more than 1... well there isn't... again, would of took the same amount of time to state assets5.pk3 was added as it did to say copy files from 1.03 and 1.04 patches. Anyway



***end gripe***

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I, and all of my players hate this patch. I feel let down...


might as well start the rant


pull is hardly usable anymore, it works 1 in 10

you can't pull somebody to you and have them fall down, instead they just stand in front of you looking at you, keep in mind that everybody on my server has pull at lvl 3, push didn't seem to be affected.


lightsabers are useless, with the advent of backstab being removed (no, not all the players used it), everybody switched to guns, so you can imagine 5 people with rocket launchers against 1 person with a saber, normally the person with a saber can take all 5 out, or atleast 3 before dieing (big maps on my server (ctf_spaceport for example).


the "floating" problem was fixed, funny to watch people jump from very large heights and go splat, or not even make it.


absorb seems different to me for some reason


grip = the new overpowering weapon, as long as the person's not using absorb



supposedly the server wont crash every week or so

uhm... great, i woulda installed the patch if it was just the latter, but the rest is just discouragable.

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Originally posted by clandestine

I, and all of my players hate this patch. I feel let down...


might as well start the rant


pull is hardly usable anymore, it works 1 in 10

you can't pull somebody to you and have them fall down, instead they just stand in front of you looking at you, keep in mind that everybody on my server has pull at lvl 3, push didn't seem to be affected.


lightsabers are useless, with the advent of backstab being removed (no, not all the players used it), everybody switched to guns, so you can imagine 5 people with rocket launchers against 1 person with a saber, normally the person with a saber can take all 5 out, or atleast 3 before dieing (big maps on my server (ctf_spaceport for example).


the "floating" problem was fixed, funny to watch people jump from very large heights and go splat, or not even make it.


absorb seems different to me for some reason


grip = the new overpowering weapon, as long as the person's not using absorb



supposedly the server wont crash every week or so

uhm... great, i woulda installed the patch if it was just the latter, but the rest is just discouragable.



Pull works like it should. If your opponenet is neither low on mana, or has same level pull power, and is facing you it does not make sense for you to be able to pull him like a cracked out padawan. With some practice you will be able to pull people down again, but now it takes some skill. :)


Lightsabers are generally useless when your grossly outnumbered by mercs with high powered weapons. The smart jedi would not opt for direct frontal assault in that situation.

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well the sabers were useles since the first patch except for the backstabbs...

thats why i made my mod Duel_SE. i hope to get it updated asap.

if u play ffa games with weapons and stuff u should set g_jediVmerc 1 !

that prevents jedis to pick up weapons and mercs using force+sabers. then u will see how weak mercs are! 2-3 shots with saber throw and they go down! because theres a system of damage degradation build in. thats the reason why we have this weak saber against other jedis or jedi masters. but against a merc the jedi master can do 4x damage! figure it out...

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Yeah I know it seems a dumb thing to even mention, but I know users... god knows I fall into a user trap now and then.... A more explicit, copy assets2.pk3 from the 1.03 patch and assets5.pk3 from the 1.04 patch to your linux base......



Would of been stupidly obvious, and then only those who didn't read the readme can be left in the dark. :)

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Nah, that would just make for a bigger download. Besides, the readme makes at least two references to move the new .pk3 files to the server. Everyone that upgraded to 1.03 had to do the same thing. All it takes is a little reading, granted, Raven should've said to specifically move the assets5.pk3 (wtf happened to 3 and 4?).

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lightsabers are useless, with the advent of backstab being removed


removed? it was fixed! i've upgraded and even just checked.

its set now so you can't pivot in circles and slaughter everyone around u during a Sabers only game when people need to be within sabering distance.

it was overly annoying to be backstabbed, block it then have the jerk spin speedily 500 times in a circle with the saber still back and kill not only myself but those who were in front of him/her to begin with!

that just was never meant to be i'd dare say.

why do bug exploiters always whine when a glitch that was never meant to be is removed? just because it fixes the game so they need to learn how to actually fight rather than cheat?

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I completly agree, and quite frankly i think its funny assfighters are going to have to learn some skill and fight. While they wasted time woking on the bs the rest of us actually got better and learned more skills. Say what you like ass fighters but id like to see you try that on me now hehehehehe

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Hmm....since I'm new to this...I'm not exactly sure, but how do you get a mod to work on your server? Like...are there things you put in the shortcut to your server or...? I'm lost. Sorry, but I'm new to server stuff. I'm basically just toying with it.

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Generally speaking.....



your server is installed in




You want to run the adminmod


you would put the pk3 file in a folder called "adminmod"





Then when you start the server use a command line like this



./jk2ded +set dedicated 2 +set fs_game adminmod etc..etc...



the important part is "+set fs_game adminmod"



And if you managed to stumble through it all then you should be running a mod successfully.



Now keep in mind each mod may be a little different. But every mod server side could be installed this way. But there are other ways for certain mods.


And depending on how you setup certain mods, may require clientdownload or not.



I hope you get the "general" idea... really there is a bit more to it though, but that will get you there basically.

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Originally posted by clandestine

I, and all of my players hate this patch. I feel let down...


might as well start the rant


pull is hardly usable anymore, it works 1 in 10

you can't pull somebody to you and have them fall down, instead they just stand in front of you looking at you, keep in mind that everybody on my server has pull at lvl 3, push didn't seem to be affected.


lightsabers are useless, with the advent of backstab being removed (no, not all the players used it), everybody switched to guns, so you can imagine 5 people with rocket launchers against 1 person with a saber, normally the person with a saber can take all 5 out, or atleast 3 before dieing (big maps on my server (ctf_spaceport for example).


the "floating" problem was fixed, funny to watch people jump from very large heights and go splat, or not even make it.


absorb seems different to me for some reason


grip = the new overpowering weapon, as long as the person's not using absorb



supposedly the server wont crash every week or so

uhm... great, i woulda installed the patch if it was just the latter, but the rest is just discouragable.


So let's see here . . . it's bad that you can't pull anyone of any strength to the ground on a whim, that you can't spin around like a top and have to hold still while using backstab, that you can't fight 5 people with rocket launchers with a lightsaber (go to a sabers-only server/map, genius), and that you can't jump from impossible heights without dying?


Damn, this game SUCKS!

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Originally posted by Dethlord


So let's see here . . . it's bad that you can't pull anyone of any strength to the ground on a whim, that you can't spin around like a top and have to hold still while using backstab, that you can't fight 5 people with rocket launchers with a lightsaber (go to a sabers-only server/map, genius), and that you can't jump from impossible heights without dying?


Damn, this game SUCKS!




That was 2 funny...

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1. i wouldn't mind the change to backstab if i could get out of it like i could before, normally i can jump right at the end, and it was faster.


2. i personally liked the float glitch, i never floated across the screen, but it helped to soften the landing.


3. pulling somebody running at me with a rocket launcher only drops em to the ground so i can move out of the way before they fire again, or am at a distance where they wouldnt be able to hit me.


4. sabers/vs/weapons, my ctf server gives the player the option of using whatever force/weapons/items they wish, i dont want to limit them.


5. the only reason i use backstab is because people like you guys run away from me all the damn time, there are people who will kick, i.e. run from you, run at you, kick you and repeat, gets annoying, why not pull/bs/return flag home? or there's those certain situations where 4 ppl are surrounding you in close quarters, i do a single backslash and jump out of the way. i'm definately not a butthole fighter, but i do use backstab because it's quick, but then again there are sometimes where if they fall down too easily, i just move on and see if they'll follow, if they do, take em out.

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