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Mace Windu Hilt released

Adonai Saboath

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I downloaded this hilt from jediknightii.com, and it looks fantastic. However, the blade was coming out my arse. Actually it came out horizontally from the center of the hilt---where the tag_parent is normally placed, or the point of origin.


Anyone else have this problemo?

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I didn't have a problem like that.

Worked fine straight off.


To me though, it does look a little on the large side.

If it could just be made to look a little smaller in-game it would be perfect.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not slagging it off, it's a fantastic model.

Christ, I wouldn't know where to start to make something like this.

I am really impressed with the level of detail that you have managed to incorporate, it's awesome.


I hope that my comment is taken as constructive criticism, as it was meant to be, and not as a dig.

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Hey Chrono_MOT,

I can probably skin your Plo Koon Ep II hilt. You've most likely seen my Apex Saber Skin:


I dont just use a texture like this mace windu saber, I add a light source and shading.

Heres an example: http://members.aol.com/chrioboy/apexsabers.jpg

SlayerXXL and I are a team of sort (he models) but he's busy with this next saber where doing so give me ZIP with your skin, the jpg or tga map, and the .pk3

That is if youy want me to do it, hehe.



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Originally posted by Methedrine

I didn't have a problem like that.

Worked fine straight off.


To me though, it does look a little on the large side.

If it could just be made to look a little smaller in-game it would be perfect.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not slagging it off, it's a fantastic model.

Christ, I wouldn't know where to start to make something like this.

I am really impressed with the level of detail that you have managed to incorporate, it's awesome.


I hope that my comment is taken as constructive criticism, as it was meant to be, and not as a dig.



Its perfect man... Its the same size as kyles, which all sabers should be (Cause i hate seeing these tiny ones that fit in the models hand) .

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it should be just a LITTLE bit thinner and shorter...should be held from bottom half of the hilt, if chrono decides to fix that, it'd be his decision, i'm pleased with the hilt as it is (not a big windu fan anyway).


i have 4 more hilts, if you want to help with em Chrono just say so, i'll get a picture of the remaining 4 up in a bit.


I'm also going to work on some other....replacements that i hope you will all enjoy using.


thanks chrono

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or they could just get my sabers into the game.... :D


i'd honestly do it myself...but i'm gonna be a bit preoccupied for a while....with a radiant humanoid creature....with soft milky skin....and a red blaze of hair....armed with a dark and hazy past....and a violent disposition

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Someone needs to make a good tutorial on modeling lightsaber hilts or at least some good tricks and such.


I just got gmax yesterday and im having problems doing some cylinders and editing or modifying objects.

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you're looking at him ^_^.


It's a little more difficult to do in Milkshape, because you need to segment your model first (milkshape has some really funny unwrapping techniques).


After you unwrap it and get all the textures mapped, you're more than welcome to weld to your heart's content, though I recommend you keep it segmented for editing purposes.


First thing you do before exporting is generate a qc file under tools->quake 3 arena->Generate Control File. You have to change the directories and filenames to their respective names and also have to change frames to 1. second thing you need to do is go to file->export->md3 and you are done. you don't need textures at all to get it in game (it will show as a silverish model w/o textures) but they look nice ^_^. Anyway, after you've done that you just export it to game as normal.

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