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Please Read, is the new saber play ruining JK2?


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I personally can not stand what they've done to this game. The original saberplay was the best. I never thought lunging was that bad but the backstabbing needed to be seen to.


The ideal version of JK2 saber play in my eyes is:


1) The original saber play returned (not these glow rod baseball bats that are currently utterly USELESS)


2) No backstab while people are on the floor (god forbid you should slash forward to hit someone while down)


3) The original lunge (it was not hard to dodge) or the new updated one (consider adding a little more damage to it, but either way).


So please lets make a cry out against Lucas Arts and what they're doing to what was one of the greatest online games of all time.


Reply if you want to see the saberplay to returned to the ways of old!!

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JK2 used to be my favorite multiplayer game, possible ever.


Until the dreaded patch came.


They tweaked and fixed, and things were good... until I swung my saber.


I dodged a lunger and brought my red stance overhand stroke ontop of the poor fool's head... and he kinda just blinked at me.


I struck him again with a broad sideswing, and yet he continued to stand and mock me.


Healing may have been lessened.... put you certainly didn't need it anymore.


Is it too much to ask to actually use a lightsaber?

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Yes, I noticed that as well. It took me 3-4 strong swings (just about direct hits too) to get this one player to even look at his health, and just turn around, run about 12 feet, and pick up shields. (it didn't even phase his health)



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I agree with Severon, and everyone else who has replied to him:


:( Whywould anyone want to ruin such a wonderful game... I hope after reading many peoples thoughts on how horrible the patches have made this game, someone will take affirmative action to correcting this huge mistake.


Anoter one bite the dust *Sigh*

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I cannot say for any game type other than 1.3 because I just got this game for fathers day. But the gameplay in 1.3 was way off in some areas and right on in others. The backstab and pull stuff was WAY off but the red stance was right on the money. When they do these updates they should pay closer attention to what is RIGHT rather than what is wrong. But in the end I will stick to the 1.4 patch so that I do not have to deal with the backstabbers anymore.:amidala:

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I'll be checking out that Server... maybe it will make this game playable.


However, I still miss the original JK saberplay. Now if you're saying with those settings you can make it IDENTICAL to the original then cool.


Is that what you're implying?


And if that is indeed true... I kinda have the feeling that the Lucas Arts team should definitely be making a more user friendly way to make servers (a server cfg maker for example).


Where you can easily and knowledgably set those values.

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And btw, I'm a really opened minded guy hehe... I've been trying to check out your server but no one has been there.


Also it is in my best interest that setting these 3 values correctly can make it easy like 1.02 and before... because well straight up that means that Lucas never screwed up beyond making the default values something so... lacking ;)

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Yeah, definitely the saber system in 1.04 is still lacking.


I don't know whether those server variables make it anything like it was in 1.02 (less blocking, higher damage), but I sure know that the BS (which I am extremely happy that it has been nerfed) and to a lesser extent the yellow special were the only saber swings that I thought worth trying in 1.03 . Now that BS is nerfed to oblivion, with the default settings the lightsaber is as useful as a 15" glowing toothpick.

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Originally posted by Severon

I'll be checking out that Server... maybe it will make this game playable.


However, I still miss the original JK saberplay. Now if you're saying with those settings you can make it IDENTICAL to the original then cool.


Is that what you're implying?


And if that is indeed true... I kinda have the feeling that the Lucas Arts team should definitely be making a more user friendly way to make servers (a server cfg maker for example).


Where you can easily and knowledgably set those values.


From what I've been told on plenty of occasions on my server:


Wow this feels like JK 1.

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Originally posted by Severon

And btw, I'm a really opened minded guy hehe... I've been trying to check out your server but no one has been there.


Also it is in my best interest that setting these 3 values correctly can make it easy like 1.02 and before... because well straight up that means that Lucas never screwed up beyond making the default values something so... lacking ;)


As more people install 1.04 they'll join the server.


It's getting a hardcore following now.


As I post this ... 10/16 players, and it'll fill up.


Some people hate the settings (they want long drawn out saber battles, which is fine).


This is for the realism purist who wants to have a saber cut and kill.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I noticed something else youve probably noticed too is that in 1.04 its damn near impossible to knock anyone down. Usually in the heat of a saber battle you could push, pull, or kick somone and make them fall down so you heavy hack them or whatever. Now it does nothing but push them back a yard or so.

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Originally posted by el_Prez

I noticed something else youve probably noticed too is that in 1.04 its damn near impossible to knock anyone down. Usually in the heat of a saber battle you could push, pull, or kick somone and make them fall down so you heavy hack them or whatever. Now it does nothing but push them back a yard or so.


You can't be here.. You're an icky Star Trek fan.:p

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