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Who wants to test out my Imperial vs. Rebels conversion v1.2?~!


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I'll send it to TWO ppl, no more, no less. The mod is an update from v1.1 and v1.0. So, first come first serve!


(All who have never played this mod, look at the list right below this.)

(All who have played v1.1 already, just scroll down to second list of the changes from v1.1)


This is what the mod (Imperial vs. Rebels conversion v1.2) does:


A:--It changes all the Imperial team models with the Rebel team models.

B:--It changes all the rodians, weequays, grans, and reelo to the Mandalorian models by Blooriot and Absath.

C:--It switches all the sounds with their corresponding models. (the rodians, grans, weequays, and reelo now have their sounds switched too!)

D:--It switches the bryar pistol with the imp_pistol.

E:--It switches all the saber colors with their correspoding character.

F:--It makes it so that all the rodians, etc... have much higher evasion, etc... since they are supposed to be bounty hinters.

G:--Makes it so that you have Desann's saber. (sith saber soudns included)

H:--It fixes the bugs from the 1.1 version of this mod. (reborn with jedi face, jedi2 with missing face, imperials still have their uniform...etc.... have ALL been fixed.

I:--Unlike the 1.1, the sounds and model conversion are all in one pk3 file instead of split up. This is because I found a wayto drastically downsize the file size. (8MB to 2MB)

J:--Changes Desann with luke (instead of kyle), changes galak with kyle, and changes luke with galak.

That is all that I can think of. I hope everyone enjoys this...

(IMPORTANT: You MUST start a new game or many errors may occur!!!)


This file is 1.66 MBs. Please, feel free to leave feedback on the idea in this thread of you don't get ot test it. I have already submitted it to http://www.jk2files.com and they will probably post it soon. So, go ahead and ask!


If you have played the v1.1 version, then I'll just post all it adds since the v1.1 below:


A:--The rodians, grans, weequays, and reelo not only look like bounty hunters, they now sound and act like them too!

B:--ALL the bugs (except for kyle's hight) have been fixed.

C:--The file size is MUCH smaller and icludes EVERYTHING (including sounds!) in one pk3 file.

D:--It changes desann with luke instead of kyle, luke with galak, and galak with kyle.


Those are ALL the changes!! ENJOY!!

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I'd say send it over, but I'm on a dial-up. I can't afford to have a 2MB piece of mail. :(


I'll just wait until you've got it posted. Any mod that allows me to interact with Tavion is a good one. :evil5:


BTW, I don't suppose there's any way to switch the characters' voices / redub the voices so Desann doesn't have Kyle's voice? It so strange hearing Desann speak with such a (relatively) high voice.

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I emailed you back, I like it so far, but ive been playing a few mods, I think maybe if you can get some wavs or record the wavs to overwrite the voices it will be better, i like the idea though.


It would be very good if it were like the emperors purge or something like that with vadar instead of desann and you fight against mace,Kenobi and other jedi, however this conversion is very well

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