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REALLY Confused!:|


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At first I had a problem exporting all together. I realized my hips were rouged so I recollapsed them, under the Skin so I could save my envelope maps.


I also had 3 unweighted verts that I also weighted.


Now my mesh is completely weighted, with hierachy going Skin<UVW Unwrap<Editable Mesh for each object (except for bolt/tags of course and bones)


I have 10 surfaces, one of which we could consider extra (like a Should pad, it's an earpiece, it has no cap)


I exported and recieved the following:


Processing 'c:/games/jkii/gamedata/base/models/players/_humanoid/root.XSI'

XSI import failed, code = 11003 (file 'c:/games/jkii/gamedata/base/models/player



I screamed.

Oh yes I exported my root.XSI to my dir and I added the humanoid.GLA in Assimilate. I tried compiling it this way with a Kyle.xsi thatwas included with the SDK and it worked perfectly.


I figured my XSI exporter was broken so I used Right Hemisphere's 3D Exploration to view it. It seem jumbled up???

I looked at the included root of Kyle and Stormtrooper XSIs, they didn't even show up.


I decided to try importing, the root of Kyle and stormtrooper imported nicely (although strangely the torso was beneated rest of the bones and mesh, and on kyle, the feet were sticking out)

But on attempts to import MY mesh didnt work

IMPORT FAILED: Improper File Format


Now I also checked for more than 4 (4 OR MORE or 5 and above?) bones having weights on a vert, and found only one place where it could even rometely happen and fixed that, still the same error.


I also (to save time) when weighting, selected all the Tags/Bolts near the Hips and instead of doing them individually, I applied a Skin modifier to the whole selection. Each has its own Skin modifier but in italics - could this have something to do with it?


I also removed the earpiece and recieved he same error.


Exporting the bones imported fine back into 3d Max R 4.2

Exporting and reimporting with the mesh and tags..didn't work.


Could it be the mesh? I've also cloned feet and arms to save time having to remodel each individually, and never bothered Resetting XForm. Could this be a problem?


I did try however exporting and reimporting the mesh with bones AND WITHOUT tags, and IT DID work, although the pieces were i had mirrored came out flipped (normals flipped).


Could this be a cause?


I've also included no LODs in this first attempt to compile, but I do have skinmaps and coordinates on all meshes (the skin maps ranging from sizes 1024x1024 and lower)


I'm stuck and I'd really like to get this model on it's final stretch to exporting. If anyone ask, you can have the .max file if I can trust you won't do anythign brash with it...none the less any help AT ALL is REALLY appreciated:)


|-o-| :tie:


I also like to note that this version of R4.2 has been giving me many problems.. and I'm thinking of reverting to R4


Could this also be a cause?

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Well max 4.2 is not the problem, that's what i used for my model and it worked fine.


It proved to be unstable using the skin modifier but i just check the ignore box and max wont crash anymore.


maybe the path you are using is too long, or carcass is not finding the gla file, or the xsi exporter is not working right???


I got the improper file format when trying to compile a XSI 2.0...


create a dir on your root drive:




next extract the humanoid.gla file into the \_humanoid dir (use xtract with paths) and dont forget to copy the carcass.exe compiler into that dir.


i then installed the tools into the base dir



When exporting leave the default boxes checked.


Add a reset Xform modifier (and sometimes 2 or 3) to each object with inverted faces and then use "collapse to" NOT collapse all


Important: make sure u move the reset xform down under the skin modifier or you will have to redo the skinning for that object.


Another thing, when u select any object, like the torso or the head, is the pivot point at the same spot as "stupid triangle off"?


Flipped faces won't be reported as a bug by carcass so its not the problem.


There was a thread with common error messages from carcass, i'll try to find some answers there and let you know what could be wrong.

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Ok now I'm really confused

I've isolated the import/export problem to bolts


And I can import without bolts/tags


When I try to import EVEN WITH ONE, i get an import error


Does Carcass support xsi vers 2? if it does where can I get it? (a XSI 2.0 exporter)


I haven't changed my directory but cause counting its only 48 chars long, under what I assume 64-128 to be the max..


Now the wierd part


I exported it WITHOUT BOLTS


and it Compiles!


Except for one error, on my part



Writing MDX/GLM model file...

Building GLM...


Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(593) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500)

( "torso" )



Warning: Surface can't use shadows, #verts(604) > SHADER_MAX_VERTS/2 (500)

( "head" )



Now my question


COULD THIS ERROR be the reason WHY IT ISNT compiling correctly in the first place WITH bolts?


apparently my XSI exproter is broken howerver..


Im quite confused:)



BTW throughout this WHOLE PROCESS I NEVER created ANY LODs nor did I set my pivot pt to that of stupidtriangleoff I even had to REMOVED the MODEL_ROOT


MODVIEW sees the compiled model WITH SURFACES and BONES

Skins is missing becuase I have not made a Skin file


but TAG SURFACES does not show up (and neither do sequences for that matter, but it plays anyway, and the wookie model which i used for back checking also didnt have sequences listed so im assuming thats ok)




err hehe:)


what does that error mean? I dont have 593 verts on my torso ...


I have 288

but this is above 250

is that why im given a error?

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I had this exact same problem, but when I went back and optimised the model (like as in selecting vertices close together and weld them) then I went and I did a weld all for .5 power on the whole model. It worked. Therefore it was a problem with a vertex or 2. Try this out, hope it works.

- Wolf :jawa

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Do I feel STUPID!

Sniper Wofl contributed

Yes I had a vertex problem I fixed that

but I found a bigger one,


some tags read as

"bolt_r_leg_calf "

notice the large space after calf


yes for some reason while i was importing the tags spaces were included


and thus, the basis for ALLL my problems


I nearly shot myself when I realized this.



I searched threw numerous readmes for anything but found nothing


Oh and also having another skin on top of a skin (or more than 3 modifiers?) bugs the XSI exporter as well..


whew i feel relieved;)


There should be some notice on at least the JK2 tools that SPACES IN ANYTHING will cause major problems..

but alas:0


Also, some had a strange space after them, like a non character, also a massive problem to exporting




oh well,

thansk to sniper and psyk0sith for helping me hehre heh both of you got me on the right track..:D ill be sure to include you in the readme:)

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Probably in 3 years we will look back and laugh about the times in JK2 where we had to do everything manually. I'll be happy when Assimilate is error proof. Check out jediknightii.net tomorrow or the next day because I wrote a big tutorial on Assimilate and how to make everything work (with common errors and fixes etc)

- Wolf :jawa

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