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Originally posted by Hanch Saode

Try some og these:



g_sabverrealisticcombat 1

g_dismemberment 3

g_dismembermentprobabilities 10






g_dismember 100

cg_dismember 100



Try 'em, it depends wether it is multy...


Yep, or 300 instead of 100, if you want more.

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You don't get more dismemberment. It either dismembers ya all the time or it doesn't.... there is no setting past 100.... 100 equals dismember all the time. It's a percentage value. OUt of every saber hit kill, with a 100 setting you get dismembered 100% of the time..... does it truly sound logical that you can be dismembered 300% of the time? no... that would imply while your walking down the block your arms suddenly fall off... that doesn't happen. Again 300 is useless, functionally the same as 100. If you think different prove it, if it truly makes an improvement, that you can PROVE, then I'll happily bump my setting up that high and recommend the same.


Granted I don't see it hurtting anything to set it that high, my point is it's just useless... Even the raven devs say so. They are stumped as to why some of us think it should be at 300. Misinformation me thinks.

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one thing I hate, is when I kill someone, and the game is set to slowmo. often, then Kyle's saber moves slowly in the body of the foe....thereby removing most of the limbs on the poor souls body....


Can you somehow stop this? So you only cut of 1 limb? As in multiplayer, if you guys play with those settings, you will just cut an arm or the head...or something of....

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I believe a higher setting on cg_dismember also modifies how far body parts go flying and/or how large the contact areas for each "slice zone" are. Not too sure in this respect, and since I'm too lazy to go searching through JO code today I think I'll leave it at that.


But in any case, cg_dismember 100 and cg_dismember 300 work regardless, so why does it matter which we use? Heck, I've seen some people use cg_dismember 5000 before. :eek:

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