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1.04 i was wrong about this patch


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If you do not believe what i am about to say thats fine,i know it is true for i have seen it with my own eyes and OMG i almost died laughing.


My son is 5 years old and fairs pretty well against bots of low settings.Since the 1.4 patch,for fun i logged him on a FFA server that runs 1.4.


I could not believe my eyes(he knows how to use 2 force powers,seeing and lightning).On a 12 man server he ranked 3 LOL.i named him IM 5,so look for him,he will not type you,for he cannot read yet,he will not engange in a duel with you,for he doesnt understand that concept yet.


So if you see IM 5 on your server,please keep in mind he is 5 years old and all he knows is how to shoot guns and swing lightsabers and lightning you.


the fact is i do not enjoy the game since they destroyed it,but thank you for making it easier for my 5 year old, he LOVES it.

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you can all attack me..but refrain from attacking a 5 year old.My son at 5 knows more about computers then most people 3 times his age.


Question my parenting?lets see...he goes to a private pre- school where they teach reading writing and math(before kidergarden mind you)that i pay a little less than $680.00 a month for.Himself and his class are probably more literate at reading and writing then you actually JAtM Trev. and i know most miss the fast pace text thats spammed in the tiny portion of our monitors(1028x960 btw).


anyways..this post was not about the ability of a 5 year old(even though it is great),it is about lack of ability and what the 1.4 patch did.


to me this is my sons game now,i went over to play MOHAA some more.but i am glad that they bottle fed alot of you that never figured out how to defend against a knowladgable and skilled player,and thats fine.Just remember,your playing against a 5 year old now,and i bet mine is not the only one your playing against LOL.


so when you graduate in a few more years JAtM Trev,and hopefully get a girlfriend and have a child of your own,i hope that your wisdom and knowledge of parenting shines and your children are as blessed and gifted as my 5 year old.


p.s. ask your mother when you learned how to read...i bet you will be surprised at her answer.

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Originally posted by worryman



thats funny,actually we should post some links up for babies up to lets say 6 years old that will be future gamers,thats a great idea!


clothes,toys,web games site links,ect.....


Damn straight! Gotta train em young!

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