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Shell shading

Dark Cloak

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You know...something just occured to me. I'll probably get jumped on for this by some...BUT...anyway, here goes:

I was watching Samurai X with my boyfriend earlier, and he pointed out that some of the moves performed in the lightsaber battles we see in the Star Wars movies originate from Kenjitsu. That made me think...wow...you know what would be cool? If somebody went and shell shaded Jedi Knight 2 (excluding the lightsabers, of course ;)) to look like anime. Somehow...that seems like it has the potential to be really badass. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do it...:(

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Cel Shading is actualy a pretty advanced rendering trick. Its only been

realy possible recently. However you might be able to get an aproximation

of it at least, I downloaded some duel maps based on the old NES Zelda and Mario. The look pretty cool.

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*blushes and taps her ears* Well, I need my ears checked, then. ;) I don't know how I could have gone to A-Kon and not understood it was "cel" rather than "shell" *cries!*...sorry. At least you knew what I meant, thanks. ;) I mean, it could look pretty cool. Just a thought was all.

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