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The truth about whiners and spammers

Lance Turk

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These patches are getting us nowhere. You have people arguing about imbalances of saber play affecting enjoyablity of MP while another group says that things were fine the way they were before. The fact of the matter is that both sides are right, but don't realize it.


What everybody fails to see right now is that JO MP game is really two different types of games. There are the large scale MP games and the 1 on 1 dueling arenas. And similar gameplay for both games just isn't working.


When it comes to the large battle MP games (FFA/CTF) the main purpose is to slaughter hard and slaughter fast. This is especially true for CTF. One shot kills are a necessity and part of the game. Ammo needs to be plentiful and the saber should be especially deadly. The people who predominantly play these games are calling the others whiners because it is seriously damaging those games.


Conversely the dueling arenas are not meant to be played like that. After I've been sitting in a queue for 5-10 minutes, waiting for my turn to duel, the last thing I want is to be slashed down in a matter of seconds by some cheap one shot kill. The whole purpose of the dueling arena is to have an intense, dragged out and hopefully honorable, 1 on 1 match with another player. One shot kill moves should not be an option, especially not if they have so much range and are so easy to pull off.


Trying to appease both sides with one method of play is impossible. These are two different forms of playing. What Raven/Lucasarts should do is scrap most of the nerfing from the patches. Bug fixes like the air lunge and BS pivot should stay. But if there is to be a next patch it should separate the two types of games.


1. Dueling arenas should be exactly modeled after the SP game. Ghoul2 activated as default plus I want those dismemberments on. There are only 2 players so lag is not a major concern. Also spectators should have a right to vote... but I don't know if that's more of a server decision than a game decision.


2. FFA/CTF games should be brought back the way they were. Bring back the dreaded DFA and BS moves to full glory. Also keep ammo and weapons? damage high. You can?t nerf games like CTF because it makes it darn near impossible to kill the guy who actually captures it. FFA has always been insane, but the fun is that you don?t have to wait 10 minutes after you are killed to jump back in. You?re always part of the battle. One shot kills are not the end of the world there.


If they would just separate MP games the way they should be, that will be the last patch we will ever need.

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"2. FFA/CTF games should be brought back the way they were. Bring back the dreaded DFA and BS moves to full glory."



Hmm... Hell no. Maybe just make the saber stronger?



Perhaps server admins should use the saber damage multiplier with consideration to gametype?

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Nicely said. Couldn't agree more, I wish that 1.02 and 1.03/4 could be integrated together, 1.02 for FFA/CTF, and then whichever patch the duelers like better. It would bring back true, fast, enjoyable gameplay.

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I think the saber damage scale should just be upped in a FFA/CTF situation (probably to a scale of 3). This would make the saber deadly with *any* swing, and make any gunner think twice. That's a server-side adjustment, too, so there's less downtime.

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-> For people with FFA and CTF servers.


People want their sabers to work again. Just use g_saberdamagescale whatever to increase the damage and saberblock (can't remember the command) to 0 = those players will be happy.


-> for duel servers.

Keep things as they are =-)

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I posted this somewhere in a sticky thread, and perhaps it's lame, but here goes...


To increase skill and damage...

I say: let's not increase saber damage, just tweak the amount of blocking. The blocking system should be like this.


Picture the player standing in the middle of a clock, with the 12 right in front of him, so the 6 is behind him.(old system used in aircombat dogfighting)

A successful block should be the result of looking at the incoming blow in the arc from 11 o' clock to 1 o'clock.(thats about 60° - i think). So the player would actually have to aim in order for him to block successfully.


If the blow lands outside that arc, it should do gradually more damage. i.e.: hit at 3 o' clock should be less damage than hit at 6 o'clock(about instant death).


Second: gunners have gotten too much of an advantage over saberists. Noone likes to use sabers in an all weapons server anymore. Don't tweak the gun damage or ammo ammount, but I think saberists should run just a bit faster than gunners, and a saber contact with a gunner should be instant death. Gunners will fear saberists that way, but would remain very strong(distance advantage,...)


Third: push/pull should be easily blocked if the target is looking at the pusher/puller. (in an arc of...?)

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Nicely said man!


My thoughts exactly, but what if Raven could manage to pull out a "golden middle" that lies somewhere between what duelists want and what FFA'players want? That'd be the best I think, because no-one wants to readjust their playing style and get used to a whole other fighting style when switching gametypes.


I think the answer is to up the saber damage, but that's just my opinion. I have no problem getting past the blocking against an enemy, but the low damage makes it boring work really.


Every server should try what ChangKhan wrote in the sticky above, the thing about saberdamagescale which raises saberdamage a whole lot.

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Well... after two patches that I've seen, they have only managed to make the situation worse for all parties. You can't please everyone at the same time. And people already know the gaming differences between SP and MP. I myself am a duelist. You FFA types seem to know what you want out of your MP servers. I want Duel to be SP based. That's it. Just split them up because they don't go well together.


This Golden middle ground doesn't exist. Even if they find something that is "good enough" for both types of players... it won't be good enough because everybody will be compromising to get there.

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