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First time poster, question.


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This is my first time posting here, so I guess you can consider me something of a n00b. However, I've got a couple questions - so if anyone could kindly answer them, I'd most appreciate it. :D



I'm kind of iffy on the whole patch / mod deal. I almost never play online, infact I haven't since the first week I got the game - I've had far more fun either hosting a server against bots - or playing SP and spawning in Reborn / Shadowtroopers and fighting against them.


But I've been finding some interesting mod's lately (JediMod has so far been my favorite, despite the fact that it wouldn't work quite right no matter what I did.) and I've read that with 1.04 the IP protocol has changed, which requires the mods to be reworked to work with 1.04.


Would this mean that I'd have to patch to 1.04, or would I be able to play them with the default install version?


On another note, is there a certain reason why I'm unable to search the forums? Everytime I try I get a little page saying I'm not allowed to access that.



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Welcome aboard!


I believe that if you're running 1.04 you'll need to wait for your mods to get updated before you can continue playing. If you dont really mlap MY you dont really need 1.04 though. *shrug* Check the mod's readme/website to see what version of JK2 it supports.


These forums are VERY busy. Searching them eats up prescious CPU cycles that cold be better spent serving pages to users. Just gotta live with it for now. :)

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If it's an IP protocol, chances are you will not need to patch at all to have a mod work, given your circumstances.


And as for searching the forum, chances are that option was set to "Moderators only" or somesuch when this vb board was created. Why? No idea. :rolleyes:


Edit: Ok, bandwidth. Excuse me for forgetting half of what I know about the internet when I browse these forums. :p

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Nerf & Mercen4ry:


Thanks for the reply, and thank you Nerf for the warm welcome :D. I didn't even think about bandwidth about the search issue - I had been trying to find information about the error on JediMod I kept having and couldn't for the life of me figure out why searched had been blocked.


As for the mods, that's good to know - while I am on a cable connection, I'm not very good at the game. When I had played, I stuck simply to the duel's simply because I found those to have the most entertainment value. There's just something about fighting with a lightsaber... ;)




Thanks, I know nothing about coding / programming or anything. Every other MOD I've downloaded had worked fine, but then I ran into a couple problems with the aforementioned JediMod, so I updated to 1.03, then 1.04 and it never fixed it - that's what prompted the question intially.


Thanks for your help, everyone.

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