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Is it me? Or... (1.04 Ownage)

Lord Sokar

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I don't mean to sound like an ego maniac, but I've noticed something now that I'm playing 1.04 on increased damage servers.


First, a little background, I played 1.02 ONLY until 1 week ago when the servers started going dark. Then I just spent some time doing SP spawning of multiple fighters in a battle royale (lots of fun).


Now that I'm playing 1.04 on damagescale 2 or higher/ghoul2 off/sabertrace off servers, I have been totally owning and obliterating my opponents. I'm really not sure why though. It seems like I'm playing with the 1.03 animations but the 1.02 damage, and with chaining of red stance attacks, it's really not hard at all to wipe out two or three slightly damaged players in FFA with a swing each!


My only thought is; 1.03 players were SO use to the massive amounts of blocking going on to protect their asses that they don't seem to comprehend that if you swing at a target, and you miss that target, you've left yourself open for MEANINGFUL attack damage that will leave you dead quickly.


Any 1.02 players out there that have noticed this? I'm sure it will start changing pretty soon for those who decided to stick around and learn how to do their own damn blocking.

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Heavy stance plus + increase damage = Good.


In my experience. The heavy stance is slightly buggy where sometimes the hit detection on the swings is pretty screwy. So either you dont hit them at all or it the server thinks it was a slightly glancing hit so it deals little damage.


So of course, with the increase damage, you're doing double the damage as normal so instead of using two swings dealing (For example) 70 damage each, you use one swing dealing 140 damage which tends to kill people in one hit.


I'm noticing the same thing myself. On increased damaage servers, I'll usually get first place. But on regular servers, I wont have a lead that big or I'll end up in 2nd or 3rd.

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Don't know about "ownage".. sure I've ended up first or second in every 1.04-game I played, but the impotant thing here is this:



I don't get cheaply killed! No more spinners or pull/sweepers who used to catch me off guard every now and then.



*** In 1.04 every time I die, I feel I deserved it. ***



And that is one of the most important things, considering the "fun-factor" in a game. (If I DFA and miss...I feel I *should* die...well, almost anyway. :D )


I just love the guys who f.ex jump over me and wait a few secs for me to come close enough to their butt.


In 1.03 I would've thought: "Yeah, right...HOW STUPID DO YOU THINK I AM?!"


But in 1.04, you can just bury your saber in their backs like it's supposed to be done. A nasty surprise to those still-wannabe-assfighters, though.


1.04 = fun.


I have never before seen so many LOL's or GF's in a FFA in my life! No more of that "cheap b!aatch, FU LAMER, WHORE!" that we've all gotten so used to.


Thank god for 1.04. :)

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