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The Dark Allegiance

Sige Rebar

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The dark allegiance is a multi role PA. We have split our PA into orders. Here are the Orders


1. Mandalorian Mercenaries- Main Military Force

2. The Admond Guard- An Elite Military Force.

3. The Drow- Assassins and Bounty Hunters

4. The Starlith- Criminals

5. The Triton- Engineers and miners

6. The Delta- Merchants and shopkeepers


1. Mandalorian Mercenaries- Main Military Force


The Mandalorian Mercenaries are our main military force. They have few role in the Allegiance. They will fight for The Allegiance in PA Wars, but their main task is to be hired as mercenaries. The other PA pays us for how many troops they want. Then our commanders take the troops into battle along side our employer’s army. The amount of money paid will be monthly based, and depending on rank (The First few months you will not receive payment dew to the fact that we will receive very little business).


2. The Admond Guard- An Elite Military Force.


The Admond Guards is an order for the best of fighters. You have to be a dedicated. This means when the game you need to spend 8 or more hours a week on the game. Admond Guards will dedicate most of their skills to fighting. The Admond Guards will receive the best weapons the Triton order can make. Members will receive benefits for their hard work (credits, weapons, and vehicles).


3. The Drow- Assassins and Bounty Hunters


The Drow Order is an order of Bounty Hunters. Members of The Drow get the opportunity to buy the best customizable weapons there are in the Allegiance. The members of Drow might also receive Assassination missions. If you complete these missions we will award you with a good amount of money and will give you a promotion in rank depending on difficulty of the mission. Drow will also fight in battles and provide a scout/special opts roles.


4. The Starlith- Criminals


The Starlith Order is an order for criminals. Any criminal profession is welcome in The Starlith Order. There will be stealing from others. When the expiation pack comes out Starlith will pirate, and smuggle.


5. The Triton- Engineers and miners


The Triton Order is an Order for Engineers, Miners, and any thing relating to production of items. Members will build items for the Allegiance. Other PAs will be able to place orders. Members will get profits 70% of the profit. Engineers will be able to trade or buy materials from miners and miner will be able to trade or buy items from Engineers. As the members of the orders skills grow so will the rarity of the materials the others have.


6. The Delta- Merchants and shopkeepers


The Delta Order is an order for merchants. Members in this order have many options. They can start their own business or sell in a market square. They can also find other members in the order and start a business. All businesses will get support from other Allegiance members. Our allies’ members also might provide extra customers.



Current site http:// http://sigerebar.tripod.com

Email darkallegiancehq@hotmail.com

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-Like the idea of rising in station due to the amount of hours you play. Dont think I've seen that yet.


-Good thing they got rid of outcasting or fighting for other PA's, (without joining them) might have gotten you into real trouble.


But a question:


In your recruiting statement you say this-

The other PA pays us for how many troops they want


But in you PA rules you say this-

2. Must be loyal to Dark Allegiance, and do not help enemy PA's in any way, shape, or form.




And one more question:


When you say this in your statement-

The amount of money paid will be monthly based, and depending on rank


And in you rules you say this-

5. A % of money gained in Allegiance activities must be given to the government to use on Allegiance costs (weapons, Droids, Ships, and ECT.).


Does that mean your members will both collect "spoils of war" and receive pay. Or will they just keep a small amount of the booty and that is what you refer to as pay. Can you give an actual percentage of earnings that your members will be required to give to you?

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But a question:


In your recruiting statement you say this-

The other PA pays us for how many troops they want


But in you PA rules you say this-

2. Must be loyal to Dark Allegiance, and do not help enemy PA's in any way, shape, or form.

I'm sorry, Koffin, but I can not see any contradicting statement here.

The first statement tells me these guys are up for hire.


The second, which is one of the rules of this PA, is that you ultimatly are required to be loyal to the decissions of the Dark Allegiance, NOT the PA that has hired them.


They can not fight against their own PA for another PA - but then again, this will not be an issue as they prolly won't extend their services to aid the enemy PA in the first place :D - nor can they spy or conspire against it.

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Originally posted by Sige Rebar

The amount of money paid will be monthly based, and depending on rank (The First few months you will not receive payment dew to the fact that we will receive very little business).

So you'll provide the weapons and stuff for the soldiers. I'm assuming that the wepons will come from your weaponcrafters, but they will also take a while to establish themselves.

members will get profit 70% of the profit

I'm assuming that this means that 70% of the profit will be distributed among the members of your PA acroding to senority with the other 30% going... where?, the people who did the work, towards building a city, a safe box for a rainy day?


why would people join the main army if all the other divisions of your PA get a much better income?

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I'm sorry, Koffin, but I can not see any contradicting statement here.



Well no contradiction, just vague on their style of play.


Will they be a hardcore mercenary PA, selling themselves out to the highest bidder no matter the alignment? (in which case they wont have enemies, just higher paying customers)


Or will they be a more traditional PA, picking a side in the GCW and openly confronting opposing PA's despite the monetary benefit.


Those two statements imply that they could follow both paths. Just a bit of confusion on my part I was hoping they could clear up.

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