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high Qui gon saber hilt completed


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Nevermind Darth Patronus has got it under control... :rolleyes:


Frankly, I'm curious to find out what you used to texture that beauty. I think I might use a similar technique on my and XXL's new saber model.

I was surprised so many of you liked the Apex its at #5 on the top downloads and its the second highest model saber download on jkii.net (just under yoda, but hey its 'yoda').

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Originally posted by Darth Patronus

send it to matt_1708@hotmail.com and i can at least upload to a geocities. Not much but it'll do for now

Umm... You can't remote link on a geocities account.

I don't understand half the people who post here... Are some of you illiterate? why would he make the model smaller?

Geez maybe I'm being a little harsh, I think ill avoid this strange behavior by only posting my WIP threads.:confused:

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Ok... apparently he only needs one person to host it, I think ill let you do it, you'll see what happens to a geo****ties page after about 10 people visit it. Yep... bandwidth limitations... I still think some of you are illiterate and in cases like these... im not commenting.

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There's a problem I found with your saber (and with most as well).


In MP, when you turn off your saber, instead of you bringing it down to your waist (like it should), you bring your hand down, and the saber floats back down to your hand.

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Well, it's there. Just look.


I also noticed that with your saber and others that the model tends to hold it too far down, so part of their left hand isn't even touching the saber.


I think that these problems are just bugs in the saber positioning. But, I've never done a saber before, so I don't know if there's any way to edit that.

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Originally posted by iifuzz

hey guys, i used a photorealistic skin with a few modifications of course, did it in adobe. i am hoping for something better then geocities if any of you have it


ill try hosting it on my site but i dont know how long it will last





well if you wan't i can upload it on my site...

just got it from yours :rolleyes: (where the h*ck could else have gotten it from) if its just until jk2net have uploaded.... (haven't checked if they have.. to lazy ;) )

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In response to the whole hilt floats back to hand thing, yeah I noticed it too, but it happens even with the JK2 default saber so I think it is either computer speed or just a bug in the game. IF you also notice, you don't do the twirl whe nyou deactivate your lightsaber, so maybe it floats because that animations was taken out of MP.

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