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TCK+Dest mod problems


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I uninstalled Jedi Knight II 2day, then reinstalled it. i put of both patches in order, and then i put the tck+dest's mod in my game data all in a foler called TCK. I upload JK2 load up the mod and none, not 1 model/skin scales...........Y????????


Before you say "read the readme u dumb tard" I already dod that and tried the Cvars they are not working =(


Any help here? I really want the sclae to work, thats kinda why I d/led these mods in the first place.................



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When extracting the Zip file, make absolutely sure that you have Use Folder Names checked, or it won't work...

I've done that myself in the past... Trust me, I know this method works.. I run a server and i have 5 people in my server now, some using dual sabers, one using dual Destroyers, and one using a solo saber, and he is the one kicking arse.

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when loading the mod, you will then also need to load the mod_debugcheats 1 command, or it won't work.. I only found this out after seeking help from Dest himself. took a little bit, but we figured it out.. hope that helps.. the command for dual sabers is mod_dualsaber 1

then holster your saber

tjhen under the console, type /twosaber



and enjoy!!!

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what do u mean by check use folder name. The v.1.0 mod that i got won't load anything emotes, taunt, sabers, nadda. So need some major help with this if someone could give accurate and DETAILED info i'd appreciate it. How do u load


no-matter how i do it it always says unknown cmd.

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Mystic you can load mod_debugcheats 1, 2 different ways.


1. type it in the console after loading the mod or

2. add the line in the autoexec.cfg file.


I had no luck with the mod until I loaded the mod_debugcheats 1 line in the console, then all was well. I then added it to the autoexec.cfg file so as I would not have to goto the console all the time.


I have placed the mod files in a directory JediMod in the /gamedata dir, then the autoexec.cfg file of mine looks like this: (commands under the sabercolors)


seta g_botdoublesaber 0

seta g_enabledoublesaber 1

seta g_enableextended 1

seta mod_debugcheats 1

seta mod_dualsabers 1


then when the mod is loaded in console type /twosaber and you should have success.


BTW: Dest AWESOME mod!


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Here is the picture perfect plan to get it to work... Ok, Download the Mod (done), extract the mod to where it goes into the Gamedata/JediMod folder, then from there, go into the autoexec.cfg file and type in these lines


seta mod_dualsaber 1

seta mod_dualblade 1

seta mod_emotes 1

seta mod_multiduels 1

seta g_enableextended 1

seta g_enablesblock 1

seta mod_debugcheats 1



That will get everything set-up for ya... then save it, then go into MP, set-up Mods, load the Jedi Mod, make a match, and then go about as usual...

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OK It works fine for me now, and It Rox!


I reinstalled updated to 1.4 and extracted all the files into game data, I did it by right clicking on the zip and clicking extract!


It was sweet. I fixed a few scales and made my ugnaught midgets again. I found out not every1 uses midgets. I played as CHesires maul cause it Rox, oh and only 1 guy was a midget, he wasn't even tryin to be Yoda, he used guns ^_^


I used 1 saber like normal 3 people used dual sabers, and 2 people used dual bladers. It was very fun ^_^


Well off to drivers ed



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Ok, here is what I did to get it to work.. first, I deleted ANYTHING to do with JediMod, then I downloaded the zip file from http://www.jk2files.com , but I use Winzip, but can still help those using any foreign winzip programs, or the built-in windows extractor... for WInzip users, you have the choice of either extracting it manually, or by folder name... With folder name, there is an option when you click the extract button once you double click the file, to "Use Folder Names" at the bottom, and yes it's come to my attention that certain foreign winzips don't have this option. but for those who do, check this box, and then highlight your Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast/Gamedata folder or whever you installed it to, but make sure to select the gamedata folder IF using the Use Folder Names option. then after selecting the Use Folder Names option and the Gamedata folder, you may now press extract, and voila, you have JediMods installed, now go into your game, and and go under set-up , then Mods, and Select the JediMod v1.0, and click LOAD. voila, you have now loaded JediMod v1.0 from there you can join server's like DEST's (ip= ) or mine ( ip= or any others that are sprouting up on Jedi Outcast. I will write a manual sometime this week for those wanting to use the MOD on their dedicated Server, etc. for those using a foreign winzip or, the built-in windows extract (XP), you will need to right-click the file, then where it says extract to : change this to your Jedi Outcast/gamedata/JediMod folder, just by typing in JediMod after the GameData/ will make the folder for you... from there, just click extract, and you are all set as well... any other inguiries can be pointed to my PMs, or dmccarthy100@charter.net and I will try to answer to the best of my ability...

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I can't say for sure, but I think the best thing you can try, seeing as how i haven't run a non-dedicated server since 1.3, you can try to edit the autoexec.cfg and add in the line seta mod_debugcheats 1, then copy this into your base folder as server.cfg or something like that for JK2MP to use as a config file... Like i said, I haven't done a non-dedicated server in quite a while, and I am not responsbile for what it won't do to your computer ;)


Hope that Helps...

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The reason that JediMod doesn't work w/ other "mods" is that they are not really mods, they're pk3s alright, but tey don't follow the recommended procedure for making a mod. Mods are supposed to have their own subfolder under Gamedata. Why? Because you are only supposed to load one mod at once. This can be done w/ the Setup->mods menu. You can only run mods together if they do not both change the same parts of the executable, which of course is not the case in any 2 existing MP mods. IMO, mods should never just be pk3s in the gamedata\base directory. If they are in your directory, they will cause problems.

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