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Tested saber damage yesterday


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I stood still with my saber out as someone tried to hack and slash at me (an online friend).


We tested it for a minute. In the end, I took a total of 13 shield damage and 2 actual damage.




They screwed the game up big time. It's nothing more but another Guns-Only deathmatch game now.



The only way to actually win a fight without taking an hour is to kick, force, gun them, or spam special moves (which was also nerfed) over and over.


The saber and backslash/stab wasn't the problem...pull WAS.


Now, to fix the people unning around backwards swinging hoping to hit someone, they should have just made the backslash/stab move happen even ifno one was behind them. This would prevent "homing" sabers that only attack and lock onto the target once someone was in kill range...and also would give a tremendous vurnability to the spammer while he was too busy backslashing nothing.

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I'm going to just stop playing JKII:Outcast for awhile. I hope they fix it. Everyoen in the server was complaining, someone even said he thought his saber was made out of foam padding.


I stood for 2 min in another test tonight, and lost NO health OR shields. This is pathetic.




Either that, or does someone know where a server has REAL saber damage on?? The patched kinda sucks. I'm looking for a saber damage modified server.

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

I'm going to just stop playing JKII:Outcast for awhile. I hope they fix it. Everyoen in the server was complaining, someone even said he thought his saber was made out of foam padding.


I stood for 2 min in another test tonight, and lost NO health OR shields. This is pathetic.




Either that, or does someone know where a server has REAL saber damage on?? The patched kinda sucks. I'm looking for a saber damage modified server.


There should be servers out there that say in the name about saber damaging being up, check out the server names in the browser list.

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So what you're telling us is that someone who is standing still, defending himself should die pretty quickly?


Remember that blocking is automatic and that means that standing still actually means in a defensive posture.


Also, damage ratings are approximately:

(ss=side swing, os=overhead swing)









ss40-50/os80-100 (but this one requires burning effect. A normal heavy os will probably do 40-80.)



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