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WIP - Aurra Sing

Adonai Saboath

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sorry, but this post is gonna go slightly off topic. i have only been able to find a single image of the dark woman from the dark horse comics website. you can check it out here ... just click on the small image to see a larger version.


i also found 2 sites describing who the dark woman is and her relationship to aurra sing. check them out at the women of star wars and the star wars databank.


ok, back on topic ... aurra is looking *BLEEP* amazing, although her legs look a little too short. j/k :D seriously, though, great work ... it looks just like her, and that's WITHOUT the skin. cannot wait to see how much better it looks skinned.


keep up the great work, Adonai Saboath. :aurra:

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Anyone know who the character on the cover of this comic is? http://www.darkhorse.com/products/pg_profile/sku_00280/sec_products/sub_pubdate/index.html

I don't have it, but from the description I would guess it's Jozzel Moffet. Could make a nice skin to include with Aurra, but I think you might need to add the piece of cloth hanging from her waist as a surface.

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that WOULD make a nice skin, but i don't think i'll be adding in that piece of cloth....


and harukaza...she was in jedi training until like around age 9....then she was kidnapped....i don't think she even made it to padawan....i'm not sure though, but instead of a young innocent Aurra (she lost her innocence very early on)....you COULD probably just make a more "light" side Aurra, maybe try to think of what she could have looked like if she had stuck to her training (though not many jedi wear skin tight uniforms with teeny jackets)....


i think that skin of the girl in purple could be done, even w/o that hanging cloth, won't look exact, but i think it would look alright (least i'm hoping it would, if it gets done)

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Good Lord, it's issue 30! *dies* My comic shop never got copies of this one, and here it is well over a year later and I never managed to get a copy. Just picked up the trade the other day so I could see what happened, but thanks to you I can buy the issue now! *dies again*


*coughs* Sorry, way off topic. Adonai, I will do whatever it takes to get you enough information to do a good Dark Woman, who is one of two characters competing for my favorite SW character [the other being A'sharad Hett, who is coincidently her current Padawan]. The best look for her is from Extinction, but I'm thinking the way she looks around Episode I is better than around Episode IV [which is not long after Extinction]. I have a scanner, and I believe I have every comic [not counting Star Wars #30] that she appears in.


Here's the thing though. You cannot model the Dark Woman until her lightsaber is modelled and skinned. She is the one and only character in Star Wars who always has the correct lightsaber. Comic characters, for example, often are drawn by people who don't care about the lightsaber design; and we all know how BMF's had the wrong saber on a promo shot. But with the Dark Woman, even when different artists drew her, every single one took the time to draw her lightsaber. I'll link to a picture of her saber soon.

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Heh, sorry, completely forgot to say what I meant to about Aurra. For one, thanks for the info; I had forgotten about her kidnapping, and never knew it was that young. I remember in Hunt that she mentions the kidnapping, but I hadn't thought she said when. So... yeah, that does kill the idea for doing Padawan Sing [she definately was the Dark Woman's Padawan; that I know for a fact] but I could do something else. Or, with resizing, I could try to see if I could deemphisize her breasts on the skin [might be possbile] and make her look nine-ish. But that might be beyond my skills. I can do an Infinities style Aurra, where her life simply took another turn.


As far as her outfit... well, there really isn't a dress code, that was said specifically. Thus, Anakin's very non-traditional attire. In fact, quite a few Jedi find his choice of such dark and menacing clothing to be disturbing.


Well, I'm still going to skin something, just not sure what exactly now.

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i've seen Dark Woman's saber.


i intend to model 2 of Aurra's weapons...


one of her pistols, and her sniper rifle....


what other model i ever put out will also be released with their trademark weapon/s...


just link me to all these ref pics, and i'll get started on them when i finish modelling Aurra

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Yeah, there's a model of Aurra's saber out now, but it's all gold, instead of chrome/silver. Technically since she does have a nice collection, there could be a variety done for her. I've also noticed that she seems to usually carry two sabers, a primary one clipped to the front of her belt, and a secondary tucked in at the small of the back that she pulls out when she's being overwhelmed.

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Well if you're up for a suggestion, model one of her trophies, or better yet her backup saber, as an optional surface attached to her belt.


Or would that seriously destroy the polycount? Hmm... okay, so it was a good idea for a moment, given that I came up with it before I bothered to wake up ^_^ Well, then, perhaps model her saber and the backup; when they release a mod to allow personalized sabers in MP, and someoen uses the two-sabers mod, she can have both her primary and secondary sabers in combat!


*wipes drool off his chin* I so need an A'sharad Hett model now [Yes, I'm a pain; I know ^_^] so I can have them duel it out. What would be glorious is two sabers A'sharad versus two sabers Aurra in the SP engine [saber combat is still much better in SP imho], but that's not happening any time soon.

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here ya go, an update, with mostly everything on her.


She's going to weigh in at around 3,600.....just the player model....


the lil holster belt things, are to be skinned against her skin, so i didn't model em, i did put some lil pack and what i guess are capsules of some kind on her back, where the belt would be....she's ALMOST done....almost....


Aurra Mutha Fuggin Sing Baby

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oh yeah, aurra baby is looking *BLEEP* incredible.


one question, though, are you gonna try weighting her hair to a bone so that it'll move around a little as she runs? am i even asking the right kind of question ... i dunno.


very psyched about the model. she's kicking some MAJOR @$$.

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