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Altering existing models?


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I've just started to work on what was originally going to be a simple Corran Horn skinpack(no new models), but after going through the Kyle, Galak, Luke, and Tyrion models and being disgusted with the results, I realized there was always some flaw with each one. I need different models, but I'm not good enough at modeling nor do I enjoy it enough to get results that I'll like. So, I'm considering taking an existing model and altering it to meet my needs, and I have a few questions:

1. How do you get models in the existing game into gmax? I haven't been able to find any plugins or separate programs that will allow me to import a .glm file.

2. If I alter the model, will I need to create entirely new UV maps, or can I just alter the existing UV maps in the areas that I change?

3. Will I have to completely redo the weighting, LODs, or any other work on the model, or can I just add-on the parts that I change?

4. Are there any other potential problems I might run in to?


Thanks in advance for any help.


Btw, if anyone would instead like to team up and do the modeling portion of the project, that would be freakin awsome :)

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1.To convert glm files, use milk shape 3D to resave it as a readable format by gmax. u will also need to get a skeleton, i believe http://www.polycount.com has a tutorial on this subject. MD3viewer could also convert it to md3 i suppose.


2.Uvw maps are not supposed to change, but playing around with vertices can cause distortions, easy to fix tho.


3.Since it's a glm file, it has all the LOD but no weighting. This is why you need 3D studio max or a prog that has a skin modifier.


4.To make a valid glm you need your model exported in XSI 3.0 format, so you need 3D studio max 4.x.


This information might not be 100% accurate, maybe new plugins were released to make the export process more compatible with other software then 3D Max.


in case you cant find the link:


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