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Is this game dead or what?


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Originally posted by Mercen4ry

Yes, it is, and it happened when 1.03 was released as well. Just give the game a few weeks, and it should be back to normal. :cool:


Edit: Yes, that too Agen. :D


I hope so I miss playing this game. I was so addicted to it in 1.03. Now i find myself only playing with some clan members. :(

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Originally posted by NK_Zephorath


Ok I don't think you understand what I meant. If the commuinity is to grow at all, something must be done. 1.04 won't attract new players or bring back the ones who left after 1.03.


Things are being done.


The JK2++ aims to make the game more fun by balancing force powers, speedng the game up, increasing saber damage so they are on level with gunners and more. If this doesn't help the commuinity then I honestly don't know what will.


Version 1.0 is being worked on and will be released soon.


Then you have things like the currently top-secret competitive commuinity website that is in development and will be revealed soon.


Ya know what else?

There's a JK2 IRC network that is also going to be made public when the competitive website is revealed.


Everyone on these forums who whine, bitch and complain are killing the game. It isn't about winning, its about fun.


Wiffle sabers and unbalanced forces are not fun.


I encourage everyone out there to stick with the game just a little longer, its only going to get better.


Thank you.


It gets tiring hearing all of this cheerleading (Mostly from you WD_Dragon) as jk2++ of the savior of all that is JK2. The game is doing fine as is the community. As has already been stated in this thread, its going to take a few weeks for the servers to update (and update properly) then JK2 numbers will be back up.

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JK2 was doomed from the start. It was made by those who obviously didn't understand what made JK1 awsome. It was also made with an engine that didn't fit JK very well. Don't get me wrong, the Q3 engine is great for some games, but it just wasn't right for JK.


Trying to make a melee weapon work well in a first person SHOOTER is a bad idea. Nerfing the guns and forces to make said weapon not so useless is not a good idea. Spending time on game modes that will rarely be played is a bad idea (how many Jedi master and holocron servers do you see?) . A lack of support will kill a game.


With all that said, the ONE THING that doomed JK2 the most was the JK community. Everyone wanted something different. Most asked for something they didn't really understand. The result was a repetative, boring, nerfy game meant to sell well because of the Jedi theme but not be a great MP game.


It's impossible to have the forces and guns be balanced for both CTF and Duels. For example, a weak heal is ok for duels because if it is to strong people will just run away and heal. In CTF/TDM however heal needs to be strong in order to be useful. Spending half of your mana for 30 health is a waste.


JK2... you could have been great but you weren't. I'll see you in hell.

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Originally posted by WD_ToRMeNt

JK2 was doomed from the start. It was made by those who obviously didn't understand what made JK1 awsome. It was also made with an engine that didn't fit JK very well. Don't get me wrong, the Q3 engine is great for some games, but it just wasn't right for JK.


Trying to make a melee weapon work well in a first person SHOOTER is a bad idea. Nerfing the guns and forces to make said weapon not so useless is not a good idea. Spending time on game modes that will rarely be played is a bad idea (how many Jedi master and holocron servers do you see?) . A lack of support will kill a game.


With all that said, the ONE THING that doomed JK2 the most was the JK community. Everyone wanted something different. Most asked for something they didn't really understand. The result was a repetative, boring, nerfy game meant to sell well because of the Jedi theme but not be a great MP game.


It's impossible to have the forces and guns be balanced for both CTF and Duels. For example, a weak heal is ok for duels because if it is to strong people will just run away and heal. In CTF/TDM however heal needs to be strong in order to be useful. Spending half of your mana for 30 health is a waste.


JK2... you could have been great but you weren't. I'll see you in hell.


The only slightly useful thing out of that post (IMO) is the stuff about jedimaster and holocron modes.


As for your JK rant, JK was fun, but had little balance.


On the Jk was doomed because everyone wanted something different, please find me a game series where everyone who has played the original game agreed exactly on what should be in the sequel. if your rant was true sequels to games would have stopped being produced years ago. The rest of your community paragraph is sheer arrogance. I'm sure if Raven had listened exclusively to you the game would be perfect because you, unlike everyone else, understood the concept of the Dark Forces series completely.


As for your melee weapon in a fps, I'd defy you to find a game developer who would say that the saber is implemented poorly.

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Originally posted by WD_ToRMeNt

JK2 is dying fast. Most of the competative players left after 1.03, as did many of the of more casual players.


So to you, competitive players are the ones that relied on Push/Pull/BS ???


1.04 got all the SCUM out of the game. Seems that has cut the idiots on game servers by half, at least in my part of the world!


Hooray for 1.04! Now we can all play as we were supposed to!

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L3onheart, you may think this, but I do not. The advancement of 1.03, and 1.04, got rid of its fair share of lamers, but also got rid of some really good players. Saber moves are being limited instead of other moves being expanded. Instead of nerfing backstab, they could have made normal saber swinging stronger, just to limit the amount of backstabbers. Instead they again decided to nerf it like DFA in 1.03. That is why the good players are leaving. I had left for a while, actually, still am on leave, but still hold respectable position (even though Ih ave fallen abit) on the twl nf duel ladders (rung 8 now).


I will give it to you straight, saber combat in 1.04 is slow and tedious, which limits NEW players to come. and trust me on this, I frequent a friend's internet cafe 5-6 days of the week at night, and watch as people attempted to play jedi knight (he got the game late, so it was late in 1.03 already). About 10 minutes afterwards, ALL of them, and I say ALL of them quit, and went to counter-strike.


As for existing players, they stay because they loved the game in 1.02, or are high rung in ladders, and are in it for the competition. There will be another move exploited in 1.04, ( I hear it's some jump front down slash, I haven't upgraded yet), and it will be complained about, and that too will get nerfed. If you look at what JK2 WAS in 1.02, where you could not say one move reigned all (DFA did NOT own, it was so easy to counter, and not even using DFA to counter). And not even a saber STANCE reigned all. Duels were QUICK, as they should be, and DANGEROUS. In 1.02, they were more a WEAPON than a LIGHTSHOW as it is now. Oh well, it is obvious I will adapt to 1.04, as i did with 1.03, just because I stay in competition and stay in my clan. But as for pure gameplay, the game was all there before, but is now lacking substance.

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Dark Beggar: :violin:


I like 1.04, because it weeded out all the good players. By good, I mean 'I AM SO 1337 U SHULD PH34R M3' players. By which, I mean the idiots who think so highly of themselves that they can't bring themselves to learn a new style of fighting.

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Originally posted by Dark Begger

L3onheart, you may think this, but I do not. The advancement of 1.03, and 1.04, got rid of its fair share of lamers, but also got rid of some really good players. Saber moves are being limited instead of other moves being expanded. Instead of nerfing backstab, they could have made normal saber swinging stronger, just to limit the amount of backstabbers. Instead they again decided to nerf it like DFA in 1.03. That is why the good players are leaving. I had left for a while, actually, still am on leave, but still hold respectable position (even though Ih ave fallen abit) on the twl nf duel ladders (rung 8 now).




There's a difference between limiting and balance. Apparently a lot of "good players" have failed to learn the difference between the two.


Let's use backstab as an example. Backstab in 1.03 was a 1 hit kill move that was unblockable. Instead of fixing the damage done so that there is actually some balance in the game, why don't we get Raven to "expand" the normal moves so that backstab isnt used so much. In order to cater to the backstab crowd, lets make every single saber hit in the game a 1 hit unblockable kill move. Don't forget the saber is just as lethal when thrown so lets make that a 1 hit kill move too. I mean after all we dont want the move to become useless. Actually why stop there, the saber is a dangerous lightbeam of death after all. It should be a 1 hit kill if you manage to touch someone with the saber.


But wait, if the saber does all that, no one will use guns, so let's make all the guns kill in 1 hit too. Hey at least you can block some wepon shots with the saber.


Of course we can't leave the force users out of the loop. So lets make every semi-offensive/offensive force power in the game a 1 hit kill as well. Pull, push, grip, and lightning should all be one hit kills.


Finally we cant forget force jump. It'd be a travesty to leave the kickers out in the cold so lets make kick a 1 hit kill move too.


So after all that, look at the awesome game we have now. Nearly everything will kill someone in 1 hit. Look at all the options people have since all of the other attack methods have been upgraded to equal the backstab. Jk2 would truely be a game of pure "skill" if Raven did all of the above.

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Torment, I'd like to apologize. You were right from the start. I always thought you just wanted JK2 to be JK1 with better graphics, but that was never your goal. You just wanted to have a fast, high-action-paced, addictive game.. and I'm sorry for mocking you since my own interpretation of what you wanted was wrong.


I support your goal of making JK2 more fun with the JK2++ mod.


Good luck and maybe some day see you on a JK2++ v1.0x NF Saber-server.

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and no, that was no advertising for JK2++!


I have just been pretty rude vs Torment in the past, but it now seems my initial ideas of what he was thinking was wrong.


So I'm not saying JK2++ is 'it' and you should all download it, I'm just saying I respect Torment's goal with releasing the JK2++ mod and I hope JK2++ will some day be exáctly what Torment wanted.

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Originally posted by IronJedi Kaga


It gets tiring hearing all of this cheerleading (Mostly from you WD_Dragon) as jk2++ of the savior of all that is JK2. The game is doing fine as is the community. As has already been stated in this thread, its going to take a few weeks for the servers to update (and update properly) then JK2 numbers will be back up.



Sure, keep telling yourself that.

1.03 killed competitive play, and 1.04 is making it even worse because the saber is even more useless.


As for JK2++, have you played it?

If not, that you cannot have a valid opinion on the subject.


And I don't see you doing **** for the commuinity.

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Originally posted by NK_Zephorath



Sure, keep telling yourself that.

1.03 killed competitive play, and 1.04 is making it even worse because the saber is even more useless.


As for JK2++, have you played it?

If not, that you cannot have a valid opinion on the subject.


And I don't see you doing **** for the commuinity.


Yea I'll continue to believe that the community is fine. The same cry that the JK2 community was doomed appeared with 1.03. yet its still here. The same thing will happen with 1.04.


As for your community input, I'd rather do nothing at all than sit here and proclaim that it's dying/dead.


Jk2++ I have no problems with the mod itself, just the rampant jk2++ is the savior of all that is JK2 that you post all the time. There's a difference between supporting and being overzealous.

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Originally posted by Absurd

More like you can fly around, have full in-game voice conversation, use vehicles, be on infinite sized maps, do a variety of things, deploy equipment, defend generators, change armor on the fly, etc.


Tribes 2's engine makes Quake 3's look like a joke in comparison:




Gameplay movies:






I'm not pushing Tribes 2 in people's faces. You made a comment and I'm responding.


Your looking at 2 completely different games.


#1. Tribes 2 was focused completely on Team Play, where as JK2 is well, focused on being a jedi knight.


#2. The Quake 3 engine is remarkably modable. Take a look at Quake 3, there are so many great mods for that game. And there are so many great mods in teh works for JK2. Also, the quake engine has much better graphics then the Tribes 2 engine. and like i said before, both games are focused on a different type of gameplay. the only other game that you can reallyc omapre JK2 to is either another quake 3 game or the original Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight.


Oh and for all those poeple who keep saying that the commnunity is dieing, the only peopel i have seen leave is the people who loved to spam a certain move and didn't like how it was fixed in a patch. Also, i agree that support for hte game could be better, but that whole part is up to Lucasarts, they tell Raven if they want them to do certain things. So if you ahve any complaints about Raven not being involved send an e-mail to Lucasarts.



phew.....now that i blew some steam off. Have a nice day!:D

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Originally posted by Absurd

More like you can fly around, have full in-game voice conversation, use vehicles, be on infinite sized maps, do a variety of things, deploy equipment, defend generators, change armor on the fly, etc.


Tribes 2's engine makes Quake 3's look like a joke in comparison:




Gameplay movies:






I'm not pushing Tribes 2 in people's faces. You made a comment and I'm responding.


so basicly the hole point of tribes is to fly around endlessly and put stuff on the grounds, and guard a generator? blah

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Originally posted by Locke101


Oh and for all those poeple who keep saying that the commnunity is dieing, the only peopel i have seen leave is the people who loved to spam a certain move and didn't like how it was fixed in a patch.


That is the most ignorent statement I have heard today.


Do you have any idea what 1.03 did to jk2? Raven really screwed up with that one, tons of people quit the game, and competition pretty much died right then and there. 1.04 killed it even more by destroying what was left of the commuinity, although it was a step in the right direction, sabers are even more useless than before.


Just because your public-server playing self hasn't seen anyone quit, doesn't mean that others haven't. If you were at all in touch with the competitive commuinity, you would know.

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oh i'm so sorry i hurt your little ego. But ya know what, I'm glad that those people quit. That means that they didn't have the skill or talent to adapt to the new patches. I mean really come on, is it really so hard to figure out a new style of fighting when a patch comes out. I think its a breath of fresh air and if you don't like it, then quit, i don't care. One less whiny ass bitch on the forums.

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Originally posted by Locke101

oh i'm so sorry i hurt your little ego. But ya know what, I'm glad that those people quit. That means that they didn't have the skill or talent to adapt to the new patches. I mean really come on, is it really so hard to figure out a new style of fighting when a patch comes out. I think its a breath of fresh air and if you don't like it, then quit, i don't care. One less whiny ass bitch on the forums.


No, it isn't hard to adapt at all.

That was the problem. 1.03 took all of the skill out of the game.


Making drastic changes to a game like raven did is called alienating your commuinity. They finally broke down and gave it to the newbie demands.


You really think the people that quit lacked skill ? I'm sorry, but you're wrong. MANY of the top CTF teams left, because the game sucked. Teams like Deviant Objectives, Ne Plus Ultra, and others. All very skilled.


Please don't talk about skill until you get the facts.

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ok i'm tired of trying to get a point across being, just play the game but oh well. i really don't care waht you guys say on this forum anymore. all i can say is this. stop complaining to people on forums, send the comoplaints to raven and lucasarts. note: lucasarts are the only people who can tell raven to give the go ahead with any patch. and keep your mouths shut play the game, and just have fun. I never took part in leagues, but i think that clans are more fun and clan wars are fun. 1 of which the clan i am in are currently in. lots of fun btw. oh and to all those who complain about game problems.....



:violin: :violin: :violin: :violin: :violin:



tell it to someone who cares the most, the game devs. all you get here is controversy.

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Here's a little food for thought that might put this into some perspective... the vast majority of the JK2 community isn't on the forums arguing, they're out playing the game!


Sorry if it's been said before, but in 1.04, it ONLY lists other 1.04 servers, so if you only see a few, that doesn't mean people aren't playing, they just aren't playing all with 1.04 yet.


I'm not sure how they're taking their stats, but for all we know it's the switching over that's screwing that up, maybe they can't even detect the 1.04 servers yet??

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Well I have a couple of browsers to track the stats of the game and the numbers are dwindling. Yes I'm checking all of the game versions and mods. I don't think the game will die. But it will not be as popular as Quake or Unreal Tournament or even Tribes.


Wether it be Raven, Lucasarts or the community, the changes made to JK2 have made the game slower paced. Unfortunately many people do not like this approach. They want to be instantly rewarded for any hit they land. If there was a move the made you pull down your pants and masterbate as a 1 hit kill there will be the people that will script it. I played UT for almost 3 years and even though 30 frags in 2 minutes is common I still hear people say that it is too slow. Look at strategy games. War3 came out and people instantly found tier 1 rushes that end the game in less than 10 minutes. And people still complain about leveling up and it's slower pace! It seems as if we have become a impatient society.


But back to the topic. I personally like the patch better than 1.03 and with saberdamage set to 3 or 4 I like it better than 1.02. But because of the great difference in patches it has split the community and I do feel it will not be as popular as it could have been. But don't forget the modding community is just getting to work and there may be some mods out there that bring the community back. Our inpatience with the game is also showing outside of the game. JK2 is not that old. 2 years after Q3 came out and they were still patching it!!


One last thing. Even though there is not a lot of posters on the forum does not mean that a forum's influence is not felt. When we complain or bitch or expose a bug, other people hear about it. For instance in the official patch thread people said that kick spam will happen (4 hours after the patch was released). Now anyone who does a kick is called cheap. The forum's negative attitude has swept through the community.


Well that's all I have to say about that.

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