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1.04 Servers That Don't Have Assets5.pk3


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Clan Doggus: Doghouse III Jedi Knight 2 -


I asked the admin why he didn't put in the Assest5.pk3 and he proceeded to say I couldn't handle backstab and I was a retard.




This patch is seriously flawed in that an admin can run it like 1.04 with all the 1.03 issues.

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Not even worth arguing with.


I actually blame the way the patch was developed instead of admins who abuse it.


It should have not been able to run without the file - pure and simple.


Raven needs to re-release the Linux and Win32 Dedicated server binaries to only run properly if they find the "assets5.pk3" file. That would solve the problem.

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Big deal; if someone who thinks he's an admin wants to abuse the patch on his server, he can go right ahead. My advice is that you steer clear of the lamer servers; they will serve as a magnet for those people in the JK2 community that prefer that sort of thing. I say let them have their fun on their own servers.... while the rest of us play on true 1.04.


Just my $.02.

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True. I think it's good that the little exploit is there. Because as Merc said, it'll serve as a magnet for those kinds of players. I think there should be a variety of servers out there for everyone's form of playing. That way, everyone is pleased.

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Except that most players won't tell the difference until it's too late.


There's a reason to have version #'s in games.


This exploit is simply sloppy and shows a lack of attention to detail.


It's a great patch but whoever packaged it should re-think the next time he does it again.

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