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Imperial PA Looking For Members!


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Sub-Oversector #003, an established Imperial PA, is branching out to gain control of the Tatoo System and its’ main planet, Tatooine.


We are therefore looking for people that which to help us build and Imperial Base on Tatooine, as well as, fight the Hutt Faction on the planet.


We need people that plan to play Imperial Officers and control Stormtrooper NPCs.


We also need people that wish to control droids, from battle droids, to medical droids, to just plain load lifters.


We also are in need of crafters and tradesmen of all types that plan to setup on Tatooine. From miners, to farmers, to dancers and factory owners, we need you all.


If the thought of helping the Empire take control of Tatooine sounds like something you want to do, then stop by our new message board and signup. Even if you don’t want to make Tatooine your main planet of play, you can still join us, as SO3 plans to work for control of all planets in-game.


Thank you for you time, and I look forward to working with you.


Our message board can be found here: http://pub36.ezboard.com/bso3tatoo

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He, guard Will have an army backing him even if its of NPCs see we imps. we GOT a army backing us (or so I hope looks around, notices hes by himself) But to the PA i like the idea, thoguh i think there has been a few good PA's to post on here, but its nice to see another loyar imperial PA, thoguh i dont want to join, (id get sick of the sand, I live in Arizona, one big desert already) but wed be happy to allie with you, so what you say, join forces in killing off rebel scum?

*notices he stanind in a puddle of gasoline and watches as the red armoured man runs away "Just my luck, any one got a match?"

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