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1.04 kick spamming . . .


Should kick be changed back to 1.02 settings?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Should kick be changed back to 1.02 settings?

    • Yes, change it to 1.02 settings
    • No, keep it as is
    • Whats this kick move?

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1.02 kick could be anticipated and countered/avoided. But the ability to do the kick in mid-air with 1.04 makes spamming kick WAY too easy. Jumping used to be a way to counter the kick 1.02, but you cant do that anymore cause your opponent can now meet you in the air an kick you.

The kick HAS to be changed back to 1.02 rules, kick has become the new DFA, Pull, Backstab of 1.04.

As it stands the Unblockable, unavoidable kick is ruining the game.

Did I mention that kick is the also the fastest move in the game as well? Faster than any saber swing. The fastest move in the game, unblockable, unavoidable when combined with Pull force and cannot be countered by anything.

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If I recall, they already nerfed the kick from 1.02 and 1.03 by first forcing you to hit the button twice, then dropped the damage in 1.04. Give me a break; do people really want EVERY move, saber or otherwise, to be about as effective as a pimp slap in a bar? :rolleyes:


That said, the easiest ways to kill a kick whore are:

a) Kick him yourself. Come on, it's not that hard.

b) If a cliff is handy, just push/pull him off when he is in the air.

c) Blast him with *insert gun here.* Not a gun server? Give him a taste of the lunge or yellow finisher.

d) Grip, given he's stupid enough to not have absorb.


Just try it; it may help. :)

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"If I recall, they already nerfed the kick from 1.02 and 1.03 by first forcing you to hit the button twice, then dropped the damage in 1.04. Give me a break; do people really want EVERY move, saber or otherwise, to be about as effective as a pimp slap in a bar? "


In a duel Ive had people kick me to death. I know I can kick him back, but think about it. 2 jedi with Light sabers an all we are doing is kick each other not even swinging our light sabers, how ridiculous is that?

The whole point isnt the damage it does, its the fact that is unavoidable. In 1.02 it was hard to kick someone that anticipated it. And there were several ways to counter it, currently the ONLY counter is the kick him back in a saber only duel. 1.02 kick was easier to perform but harder to land on people than the mid kick.

Not only that but 1.02 kick had a special hop that you could perform immedately after landing a kick, I would like to see that comeback.



" I'm voting "No, keep as is.", simply because I never played it with 1.02 so I don't know what it was like with 1.02. Can anyone describe it to me?"


All you got to do to test 1.02 kick is to reinstall without patching, then create your own server an test on some bots.

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"when he runs at you and jumps push it, simple as that."


Um, no its not that simple you see, kick combined with pull causes an VERY annoying situation. Even when you have full pull force (lv 3)you can still be pulled toward you opponent very easily.


You can mix up how soon you get near each other by using pull at different times. Even with absorb on you still get pulled slightly, doesnt seem like much but if you already very close even a little movement can make a difference. But if he has absorb and you dont . . . you lose.

An unavoidable, unblockable move . . . I would think I would have more support on this one. Not to mention you can get a knockdown from it.

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Originally posted by cig

"when he runs at you and jumps push it, simple as that."


Um, no its not that simple you see, kick combined with pull causes an VERY annoying situation. Even when you have full pull force (lv 3)you can still be pulled toward you opponent very easily.




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Originally posted by Yoda_623

Yeah, I've fought and kick does sort of dominate 1.04. I like to kick,but it is overly used more than it was in other patches though. :)



Thanks to Lucasarts kick is being overused caused they took away all the other moves.

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Originally posted by {DHU}Screed

Originally posted by cig

"when he runs at you and jumps push it, simple as that."


Um, no its not that simple you see, kick combined with pull causes an VERY annoying situation. Even when you have full pull force (lv 3)you can still be pulled toward you opponent very easily.





Don't know.. I thought retards were the ones that liked big ugly caps, and didn't know how to spell 2 words in a 6 word sentence.. and btw, there is something called dark side, that -oh god- doesn't have absorb.. so guess what: they can't turn the damn absorb on or off ..


Thanks to Lucasarts kick is being overused caused they took away all the other moves.


Let me guess... pull+backstab+720º spinning?? :p


Back on subject, kick was fine like it was in 1.02 (no midair kicks, 1-tap only). To avoid spamming they could make it to do a bit less damage; it should be a defensive move, not the new whoring move like it is now.


In any case, the best way to avoid this altogether, would be changing the default value of g_saberdamagescale. With the current saber damage it is no wonder people look for anything else to rack up kills. If a regular saber swing did enough damage people would think about it twice before running headfirst into a saber.

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The thing is, even with the single tap from 1.02, people still spammed kick.... just not so much due to the damage of sabers. So yes, the best way to kill off said spam (if you would rather not avoid and counter, or beat the spammer at his own game :rolleyes: ) is to use saberdamagescale, ghoul2 off, and sabertracesaberfirst off. For the official commands, view my FRR.


That said, I'd also like to point out that we should not continue to call for nerfs as things are now, or we'll get to the point where every saber strike will do just about nothing.... force powers will be about as useful as bryar blaster normal fire..... and there will be no one to play the game.


As they say.... "Be careful what you wish for; you may get it."


Just another $.02.

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If the abuse of kick is worrying you why not use a mod called DUEL-SE, it was designed as a 1.03 fix but it is actually far more than that.


You can tailor the amount of damage each attack does INCLUDING KICK, I've reduced it to 1hp on my server and you can also reduce the likelihood of a knockdown from a kick to 1/10


I really do suggest some admins check this mod out its make sthe game far more playable and as and when problem moves arise you can use CVARs to edit the moves effectiveness. I call it the anti lamer mod because thats exactly what it is.

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I say change everything back to the 1.02 settings and bring some skill back into this game.


Note: If you flame this be sure you give good reasons as to why you think 1.02 requires less skill then 1.04 because I have written volumes on the subject and I may make you look like an idiot.

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