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the fall of jedi knight


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Hello there fellow jedi masters. I would like to start by saying that i have been playing jk2 since it first came out. Now when it first came out there was a alot more people playing than there are now, and alot more servers. I atribute the drop in this game to the programers constant patching. These patches where not minor bug fixes but major changes to the game. Now the programers are using us players as beta testers. The constant changing of the power of the saber and saber moves and the powers of the darkside have totaly turned alot of people off to this fine game myself included. Grip was totaly toned down, drain totaly toned down, dfa toned down, heal toned down, all the back attacks, push and pull, everything moved down to a lower level. So now the gameplay is slower because it takes so much longer to kill someone. The saber is compleatly useless now unless you are playing in a saber only serv. And they wonder why the support for this game has dropped so much. To sad my friends. to sad indeed. But then again what do i know right? i'm just a typical gamer thats been playign fps since doom. its not like they care what i think.




TeT :swear:

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He's right.


Sabers ARE useless unless a saber only server. Think about it, why use a saber now, it rarely hits someone, and at the same time, you're being hit by the repeater and fletchette...and don't forget about rockets. Hey, even the blaster shoots right through saber block many times now.


Sabers = useless. I stodd still for a full minute letting someone attack me with a saber. I took a total of 5 shield damage and 2 actual damage.

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Support drop? Hardly; it's just the basic summer drop-off that is frequent with all games. And quite personally, I find it odd that people complain about this then whine about that, then go right around and complain about the fixes without exploring their options...


So, once again, let me list the fixes and my individual responses to your concerns; I've been playing FPSs since they were side scrollers, if you get my drift. :rolleyes:


1) Oh no! Saber blocking is still crap! :eek:


Easily fixed; either find a server or have the admin change to these settings:


ghoul2saberrealisticcombat 0

sabertracesaberfirst 0


2) Oh no! Sabers are about as powerful as a whuffle bat! :freakout:


Once again, try to force this setting:


saberdamagescale # (usually somewhere around 2x is good)


3) All my favorite force powers were nerfed! :crybaby:


Yes, they were, so try to cope with it; this was to prevent the old stereotype of servers filled with "Grip Whores," people abusing heal time and again, and drain still serves its purpose as the main Dark-side heal.


However, if you can't cope, find a server running JK2 ++, and see how you like things.


Simple questions, simple answers. Spare me the speech, please; just try out some of these fixes, and see how you like things. :rolleyes::)

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well... First thing first.. raven ONLY makes classics FPS.. (Such as SoFII) JO, was their weird assigment and experiment? why cuz JO, is not just about Guns, but also about the lightsaber. This is new for raven, so at least give credit to raven, that they are still trying to make the game better, even though ppl think that they are making it worse =(

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Originally posted by TeTsuO-SM-

Hello there fellow jedi masters. I would like to start by saying that i have been playing jk2 since it first came out. Now when it first came out there was a alot more people playing than there are now, and alot more servers. I atribute the drop in this game to the programers constant patching. These patches where not minor bug fixes but major changes to the game. Now the programers are using us players as beta testers. The constant changing of the power of the saber and saber moves and the powers of the darkside have totaly turned alot of people off to this fine game myself included. Grip was totaly toned down, drain totaly toned down, dfa toned down, heal toned down, all the back attacks, push and pull, everything moved down to a lower level. So now the gameplay is slower because it takes so much longer to kill someone. The saber is compleatly useless now unless you are playing in a saber only serv. And they wonder why the support for this game has dropped so much. To sad my friends. to sad indeed. But then again what do i know right? i'm just a typical gamer thats been playign fps since doom. its not like they care what i think.




TeT :swear:

I always get a kick out of these posts. The devolpers looked at the forums, and made the changes that were spammed all over the forums. They did nothing that was not asked of them. Maybe instead of sitting quietly while the "noobs" bitched and moaned, if you and others had spoke out and made it clear to the developers that it was fine. Then maybe nothing would have been changed. I personally don't give two ****s about what they change in a patch, I can and will adapt. You reap what you sew.
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Originally posted by HellFyre69

well... First thing first.. raven ONLY makes classics FPS.. (Such as SoFII) JO, was their weird assigment and experiment? why cuz JO, is not just about Guns, but also about the lightsaber. This is new for raven, so at least give credit to raven, that they are still trying to make the game better, even though ppl think that they are making it worse =(


It is not new to Raven, i'm pretty sure one of the biggest reasons Lucasarts chose Raven to make JO was because they had experience in making games with 3rd person melee combat.


Ever play Heretic 2?

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I have been playing jedi all day today and i haven't found one person that acualy likes the new patch. Shure its different and takes getting used to. But the problem is that on a tffa saber only game i was fighting 1 on 6 and they couldn't even kill me. and they where hitting me alot. I mean the backstabs are compeatly usless now. And as for the player support dropping off from the game its not because of the time of the year, its because of the patches, if you play medal of honor or ut or q3 or army operations you will see thousands of people playing at all hours of the night. But the game of jedi knight 2 has changed so much since the first 1.2 game. I remeber a time that the saber was the most powerfull weapon. Not anymore. There is something seriouly wrong when it takes less hits with a facekick to kill someone than with a saber. Hey if raven wants to patch the **** outa the game and totaly change the flow thats thier perogative. But they defanatly aren't making it anymroe fun. A SWORD OF LIGHT SHOULD SLICE THROUGH PEOPLE LIKE BUTTER! Maby not all the hits But when yer doing a Special move ie dfa or backstabs they should seriously damage the other person. I stood there and took 3 back attacks in red stance and wasn't even near death. That is messed up. And again push and pull are compleatly usless since you can't follow up with a decent attack anymore. just more pissed off ramblings from tetsuo.



TeT:swear: :swear: :swear: :swear:

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i was playing 3 friends of mine today team FFA, all of them against me. there was FF and guns.


i won 15-0, 15-1, 15-0 and 15-2, or something like that. i only used a lightsaber


sabers AREN"T useless against guns. and if you think they are, turn up the saber damage

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It's amazing how many "good" or "skilled" players are going around complaining that the sabers are now useless.


The ONLY thing that was changed damage wise from 1.03 to 1.04 was the backstab. The normal moves and the special moves do the same damage as before.


That leads me to conclude that many of you now whining that the saber is useless, were the same people going around doing nothing but using the backstab. Shame you cant exploit a 1 hit kill move anymore.


Amazingly enough heavy stance can still kill people in 1-3 hits without the saber damage scale modifier. Sadly all the people who complain that sabers are useless without the backstab never bothered to use the saber any other way becasue if they had there would be no reason to complain about saber damage.

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Originally posted by IronJedi Kaga

It's amazing how many "good" or "skilled" players are going around complaining that the sabers are now useless.


The ONLY thing that was changed damage wise from 1.03 to 1.04 was the backstab. The normal moves and the special moves do the same damage as before.


That leads me to conclude that many of you now whining that the saber is useless, were the same people going around doing nothing but using the backstab. Shame you cant exploit a 1 hit kill move anymore.


Amazingly enough heavy stance can still kill people in 1-3 hits without the saber damage scale modifier. Sadly all the people who complain that sabers are useless without the backstab never bothered to use the saber any other way becasue if they had there would be no reason to complain about saber damage.


First of all, let me say that I am a gunner.


Sabers are useless.


I'd like to see any saberist kill me 1 on 1 with the default 1.04 settings. I don't care how you do it. As long as you use only your saber.


When someone does this, then I will shut my mouth about sabers being useless.


Hell, I may even be nice and use the bryer.


Does this mean that I'm better than all saberists? No, it means that sabers don't do the damage that they should. People should be fearing this weapon, it needs to do huge damage. We added this is jk2++, and so far, it has worked out great. Saberists can compete with gunners. The better player will win.


If that isn't balance, I don't know what is.

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Ok, first of all I am sick and tired of the same tired argument of balance between sabers and guns.


It pisses me off how some ppl out there are so continually obsessed with making a saberist able to fight on even ground against a gunner. At the core this is a game, its not some detailed re-enactment of the films and obviously can't maintain complete continuity with the entire star wars universe.


But in whether it be in the Star wars universe, in any game or in real life if I run head on towards a gunner standing far away with my little saber or any other form of MELEE weapon, I can expect to get my ass rocked....I really thought that was obvious. Guns vs sabers CAN NOT BE BALANCED, due to the simple fact of the range and power that guns can provide.


This is certainly not coming from a gunner, but from a long time saberist that sure as hell did not buy this game to play guns, and will probably never use one, which is why I play saber only games. It is certainly no burden to do this as there are tons and tons of saber only games out there to suit your taste, Force or no force, duel or ffa.


Being a long time JK saberist I do agree with having higher damage per hit by the saber as done in JK2++ although I havn't tried it, and if there would be any further patch I would wish for an all round increase in saber damage per hit to counteract the excessive blocking.


I still do maintain though that although a few gripes, 1.04 is the BEST patch to date as it at the least eliminates the backstab and adds more dimension and even play, where more saber moves can be utilized with balance, compared to the horrid push - backstab move.

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Dissectional, I challenge you to play a highly competative game at CTF with guns+sabers and you use mostly sabers. Then tell me if you feel the same.


Yes sabers can still be used and you can still hit and all. But only when you are playing noobs on a pub server. In highly competative game you no longer have the time to use a saber as an attack weapon because of how long it takes to kill someone even if you hit them! I can only find one main reason to use a saber. If you know the guy that has the flag is way low on hp (like they used rage and they are wear'n down) or if you just know they have taken a lot of damage first.. Then you can use a saber attack and make a kill. Also you can still use saber to defense.


Saber is a up close weapon and should be used during up close combat ya think? And geez if a saber even touches me you would think it would do some "serious" damage right?


Anyways.. It is true saber is dead for attacking unless you are on a sabers only server.


BTW our clan is #2 on twl CTF (teamwarfare.com) so we have a good idea about this. Also I can tell you that since we updated our server to 1.04 there is a significant less amount of peeps playing on the new patch.


I think JO is going down quicker than T2 apparent is and T2 was released last year! T2 was released with major bugs and all. Yet, it seems they cared more about the community than raven does. They learned this from Tribes 1. That the community is what keeps the game alive. I have no idea what Raven's modivation to nurf the game soo badly.

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No offense intended, but this topic is NOT unique. Several others have posted here and elsewhere claiming the game (JK2) is dying because they have noticed fewer servers after upgrading to the 1.04 patch, or because they don't think the patch does what they want it to do.


For the first part, it's obvious that servers have to switch over and it takes them a few days to do that. The patch has only been out a few days, at most, and so people need time to adjust. As far as the gameplay changes, just like every patch for every other game that changes anything, it takes time to get used to. This too eventually becomes the norm and people settle into the old routine.


Also, Raven guys have pointed out that the new patch will ONLY list servers that are using 1.04. Thus there may be thousands or tens of thousands of 1.02/1.03 servers that you simply won't see with the new patch. They obviously did that just to help avoid confusion, since they assume everyone will eventually upgrade to the latest patch (1.04) and join servers of that type.


Obviously, no game can be expected to have the height of hype and new people joining as when the game is first released, it goes up and down and it depends on all sorts of factors. I think saying that the game is dying is very premature, but sadly over-reactions when a patch gets released are commonplace in this community (doh).

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