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Player Model of Raziel from Soul Reaver!!!!


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I am in desperate need of some good modellers and skinners!! I have had this idea stuck in my head since jk2 first came out. I want to make a player model or Raziel the vampire from the game Soul Reaver. If anyone can help me my e-mail is bomberman_xc@hotmail.com


Here are some links to some pics of the character i am hoping for:








please talk to me if you or anyone you know can help!

If you want more pics of him just tell me and i'll find them.

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damn it not this crap again. Weren't you told to go post in the request thread? No one wants to model your stupid model and if they did they certainly wouldn't pay attention to someone who can't read correctly. We told you in your last thread (entitled the exact same thing) where to go. Go there.

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