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Stupid Question.....

General Nilaar

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No it was in SW years before Eps. I... I think it was first introduced around the time the THX SW versions were coming out...(looks back and wonders why all those signs said,"this is the last time Star Wars trilogy will ever be sold and only for a linited time" that was when they were commemorating ANH's 20th)

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Originally posted by General Nilaar

I think they meant that it was the last time the original, non-special edition versions would be released.


No they ment that that Star Wars was having one last going away present. After it sold phenominally for a rerelease Lucas anounced that he was making the Special Editions...that was about a year or two after THX versions came out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Gamma732

I have a feeling there won't be any more made after Episode 3. They can't make any EU movies at least, cause all the actors from the originals will be way too old by that time.

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