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Running UP walls not sideways, how?


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I've seen and done it before, but did not remember how afterwards, but you can run straight up a wall as in vertically i dont mean the strafe against then jump horizontal run..

when this wall run or whatever is successfully executed it looks lik the person is running straight ito the wall but they keep going up... now is this only possible on certain walls or what? thx for the help

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I don't know about doing it against a single flat wall, but in some areas, wedging yourself into a corner and holding forward+strafe then hitting jump can rocket you up quite a bit.


If you see people doing this on ctf_yavin, that's what they're doing. In the central area there's a hidden clip brush that you can "climb".

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not sure if this is what you're talking about but....


there are certain buggy areas (I guess that's what they are) where you can jump really really *REALLY* high, even on no force servers.


All you do is jump, hold jump, then walk over (or land on) the spot. If the terrain isn't elevated at all, you won't jump. If it IS elevated, you'll jump higher/farther than normal. Some spots seem to make you jump *alot* higher/farther.


For example, load up the death star FFA map. Go to the big room with the hole in the middle (docking bay I believe it is). Go towards the elevator that leads up a floor, there should be a structure with a pillar right between the screen leading outside into space, and the elevator.


Hit jump and hold it, then run up the ramp thing. You should sky rocket up the entire thing and be able to land on the very top of the screen that leads out into space. You can sit there in NF FFA servers and most people won't be able to get up there :p


On the duel map where you fought desann in single play (sorry forgot name)... there's a way to go from the bottom to the top part of the map. There should be a fallen pillar... on the pillar there should be alittle section that you have to jump over (you can't walk over it). Jump on it and hold jump.... you'll zoom to the top floor.


There's a few other places I think that you can do stuff like this... kind of nifty. I don't think they took them out in 1.04, but truthfully I haven't tested.


All possible on NF servers :) Maybe someone can give a better description :p



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what you see them doing isn't always what they're actually doing.


Whether it looks like running up a wall or not is irrelevent.. the way it works is certain spots in maps are buggy, and when you jump against them you can fly upwards.

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It is exactly what it looks like they are doing.... they are wall walking. Thing is, is that some walls are very narrow, or just for whatever reason, they have a special property that makes the player run far more vertically than horizontally. There are 2 walls in duel_jedi that allow you to do so. From the building entrance, there are 2 elevated areas (cliffs if you will). The elvated area with the lightside force powerup can be reached from the ground by wallwalking the left wall right before it.... very easy. Just wall walk different walls, and u r bound to find some of them do that

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