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Clan Leader Read!: Switch Dark/Light Force Powers with Key Bind Instantly!


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Now that I have your attention, First I want to explain something:


I hate that Raven is killing the ability to use sabers as an attack weapon for competition CTF maps. There is littleraly no point in using it at all except as a defensive shield to some weapons. But there is no one saber attack that you can use in any kind of consistent form in a highly entense game of CTF. To see what I mean you can always look at the forums at TWL (http://www.teamwarfare.com). So far we have all decided that its no longer a weapon that can be used. THis is sad as the only reason I play JO is because of "Force Powers" and "Sabers". So now they take away our sabers we only have force powers left or its just another quake/unreal game!!


The solution is there.. Take it out of "raven"'s hands ands rely on a more community sponsered mod. So far the one that seems to fix these problems is JK2++ mod being developed by WD clan at http://forums.wdonline.com/


My goal here is to get as many clan leader interested in this mod as possible. God knows, we need to fix this problem ourselves! Raven appears to only be catering to the noob part of the community and not the competition part.






Ok now for the key bind: The real reason you are reading this!



I released this information yesterday on TWL's forums. So I am here now to relase it here. Let me know what you think!


Also am I the first to discover this? I searched and could not find this information so I ended up "hacking" at JK2 console and figured this out myself!




Ok guys.. Being a programmer and all I figure there was a way to do this. And there is! Plus it gives and added bonus of "conserving" keys too! (Since I am almost out keys to bind as it is!).


I have not figure out how to make this all 1 key stroke I tired but it appears to be 2 keys. 1 to load your force config/key binds and 1 to suicide for the changes to take affect.


Ok guys I was too curious if this was possible so I am giving this information out for the community. So enjoy! And I hope some of you may release some very coo info too!



Must bind the keys you want first! (MUST MUST DO THIS FIRST)

I use [ for light

and ] for dark

and \ for suicide

Use the follwing commands:


bind \ kill

bind [ "exec light.cfg;forcechanged"

bind ] "exec dark.cfg;forcechanged"


(I tried this:

bind [ "exec light.cfg;forcechanged;wait;kill" but that didnt seem to work.) So if anyone of you know how to get suicide after the force is put in on the same key let me know!


Anyways two keys are not bad. Just hit your force then suicide.


Now.. the 2nd step:

Create your config files.


Simple just apply your favotite light powers and key settings. Totally remove all dark keys from your config as you dont need dark forces during light "mode". This gives you more keys to play with.


Type the following command in console:

writeconfig light.cfg


Then go in and config your dark powers and then bind the dark force powers over the light force powers!

and then:

writeconfig dark.cfg


Now you have 2 configs for light and dark. YOu can create more of course!!!


Enjoy Jedi!

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Oh BTW If you want to check out our clan's site you can at http://www.bfcarnage.com


We are a #2 CTF team on TWL http://www.teamwarfare.com


Also you can visit our popular (well until 1.04 came out) server at

BFCarnage.com 1.04!!! IP:


I will be putting up a JK2++ server soon just to mess around with thier mod. Be on the lookout for it.

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Well I expected something great but this is just too obvious. The bad thing about it is obviously that you lose one kill everytime you commit suicide. Also you respawn somewhere else and have to run all the way back, which sucks.


On the other hand: It would not be fair, if all of a sudden you could switch between light side and dark side in mid fight. It would ruin the balance of the game.


So basically I figured that this is possible because I know a bit about key binding and .cfg files, but I never thought of doing it this way because - well - IMHO it's not too good....


However I give you credit for posting here and sharing your information. Just because I don't like it doesn't mean that there aren't other people who like it. Heh. :)

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Originally posted by Bluezman

Well I expected something great but this is just too obvious. The bad thing about it is obviously that you lose one kill everytime you commit suicide. Also you respawn somewhere else and have to run all the way back, which sucks.


On the other hand: It would not be fair, if all of a sudden you could switch between light side and dark side in mid fight. It would ruin the balance of the game.


So basically I figured that this is possible because I know a bit about key binding and .cfg files, but I never thought of doing it this way because - well - IMHO it's not too good....


However I give you credit for posting here and sharing your information. Just because I don't like it doesn't mean that there aren't other people who like it. Heh. :)


I disagree.


The ability to switch configs (changing force powers, and keybinds!) on the fly

is an EXTREMELY usefull tool.


If you've ever played competitive CTF you'll know that people are suiciding all of the time, and one suicide is not the big of a deal at all.

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This keybind is mostly for clan leaders looking for a little edge.


See in a competition match every second counts.


The key binds actually can be done instantly and you do not have to suicide for the new binds to take affect. Only pressing 1 key.


To do force changes of course does require you to suicide.


For competition this is good for quickly changing strategies and possible catching your opponents off guard. It really depends on how the match is going and what your ideas of how to use these forces in a match and a particiular map :)


Anyways.. Its not intended for public peeps more the competition ones.

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You're right. I haven't thought about the game types where it's not about the number of kills such as CTF (I'm more a duel / FFA player...). Sorry for being so short-sighted :) .


However, I guess I was just kinda disappointed because I already knew about key binding and creatiung CFGs and I guess I expected that you had found a way to switch between light side and dark side without having to commit suicide. That would have been really handy in FFA games... :D :D

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LOL. I come from only CTF so now I see what you mean. Yeah.. it would be bad to suicide.


Yeah the command "forcechanged" is what is called that applies your new forces but it's built in to print out the message "You powers will take your next respawn.".


So it would be impossible to have them applied without die'n via key script.

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I don't disagree with sabers being a little too useless in CTF, but your an awfull ******* to think that 1.04 only benefits nOObs.


I mean how hard is it really to script the backsweep, it isn't. No 1.04 wasn't for nOObs, but it didn't benefit CTF that is for certain.


JK2++ mod is the way to go for CTF I think too.

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