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Advanced Saber Moves

Revan Bakr'

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One day I was dueling this guy and he was doing all sorts of cool moves, moves I didn't even know existed. Is there a way to do that classic move where you flip forward, slash downward on the enemy's head, and turn 180 degrees before landing? (Obi-wan does this against Darth Maul and the Reborn's do it too). ALso, if any of you guys know advanced startegies or moves, send them to me. I'm dangerous, don't get me wrong, but I've been using some prettybasic moves to win duels and I'd like to integrate better moves into my battle plan.


Whew!! That's a mouthful!

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no i know what this kid is talking about. i have a friend who entered himself into that $25K jk2 tournament. he's godlike in jk2. these tricks raven is talking about are more like taking advantage of the glitches in the game- but by far this is not cheating. my friend showed me how to do 2 of his tricks (hehe but i wont tell-i'm greedy like that :band: :band: )



1. there's a trick that if you're next to an incline or a slanted wall, if you perform this trick properly, you will bounce off of the wall and shoot right up. you practically teleport up. from a 3rd person view, this trick looks like a guy running at a wall one minute and disappearing the next. you then look up and see a guy WAY higher up than one is normally permitted to jump on the jk2 maps.


2. there's another trick that you can do where you backflip and twirl the lightsaber as you're backflipping and once you touch the ground you shoot forward REALLy fast and do that

finisher strike that's for the heavy grip. note: you dont have to be in the heavy grip to do this trick- it automatically does that attack no matter what grip you have.

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I'll be glad to show demonstration of how those moves couldve been made. And if they aren't to your satisfaction, I'd like to see you do one of those moves you've listed, or any others you've "learned" from the $25000 tourney winner.



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