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Wookiee Beer Parti! (New 1.04 Server)


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Just wanted to mention that there is a new dedicated FFA server out there, based in southern california.


Here are the server details:


Wookiee Beer Parti! v1.04


10 players max (with 2 private slots)


Every other map is a sabers-only map. We also switch it to CTF mode sometimes if we have enough players.


Saber damage -- x4

Ghoul2 collision -- On

Trace Saber First -- Off

Dismemberment -- On

All force powers at JK level


There are usually some pretty good battles going on, and the map rotation is a good variety. The minimum nuber of bots is 4, so there should always be at least 4 players online.


(Note: for dismemberment, you must set cg_dismember to 100 or 300 in your client console. )


May the force be with you.


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